Resources and Policies
[Note: Applicants and students in the Bachelor of Arts in Sports Administration (BASA) program should visit the BASA Registration page for information on registering for classes.]
Register for classes
New students
To register for the first time, download and complete a Registration form and submit along with the appropriate program application materials (optional).
Continuing students
Continuing students are highly encouraged to register online through FDU’s Self-Service information system. Self-Service is accessed using your FDU WebMail account. Currently registered students can create an FDU email account at
To register online go to If you experience any problems, send an email to
Continuing students may also register for classes by completing and submitting a course registration form.
The last day to withdraw from a non-traditional term course is the close of business on the penultimate day of class, or if the last day is a Saturday or Sunday, the close of business on the last business day before the end of class (e.g., if the last day is on a Sunday, the deadline would be Friday).
Withdrawal, Non-Attendance, Non-Payment
Students must notify the SAS office in writing of their intention to withdraw from graduate study. An official drop form MUST be filed with the Office of Enrollment services. Failure to officially withdraw will result in the student receiving an “F” grade for the course. Additionally, 100% refund is granted only when a student withdraws before the first day of the semester.
Students are responsible for ensuring that the University has their correct address. All changes relating to a student’s permanent records must be made through the Office of Enrollment Services by visiting the Change or Correction of Student Information page and submitting the appropriate form.
Webmail and WebCampus
In order to access WebCampus, you must have a Webmail account and be officially registered for classes.
If you have a FDU Webmail account, your username and password for WebCampus are identical to your Webmail username and password (e.g. Please note, there will be a delay of up to 2 business days after creating a Webmail account before you can access WebCampus. Passwords must be 6-8 characters in length and are case-sensitive (i.e. capitalization counts).
If you do not have a Webmail account, you must first create your Webmail account at Click on the “Create New Account” link and follow the online instructions. There will be a delay of up to 36 hours after creating a Webmail account before you can access WebCampus.
If you are having trouble creating your Webmail account or logging in to WebCampus, please contact the Fairleigh Dickinson University Technical Assistance Center (FDUTAC) at (973) 443-8822 or email
Online Courses
New students can access FDU systems and start their online coursework by following the directions listed in the “Getting Started with Online Learning” guide.
BUY BOOKS ONLINE Books are available at the Metropolitan Campus Bookstore. You may purchase your books at the bookstore or for a small fee; the books will be shipped to you by two-day UPS. Before going to the bookstore, check for availability. Metropolitan-Teaneck Bookstore: (201) 692-2093 or 2094. If you have any questions call (201) 692-7171.
As a student of FDU you may utilize the FDU library through remote access. To access this service please contact (201) 692-2068. If you need to obtain remote-access passwords to use one or more databases from off-campus, please visit the reference desk at any FDU library to complete and sign a required form (if this is not practical, contact the Reference Department (201) 692-2100).
Identification Cards: All students are required to carry University identification cards while on campus. These cards may be obtained at:
- Metropolitan Campus: Public Safety Office (201) 692-2222
- Florham Campus: Student Activities Office (973) 443-8888
When on campus, all cars must display an official decal which is available at:
- Metropolitan Campus: Public Safety Office 870 River Road
- Florham Campus: Public Safety Office The Barn
Failure to display a decal will result in ticketing and a fine. Please visit the Parking and Traffic Regulations page for more information.
Application for Graduation
Students are required to apply for graduation via Self-Service. A Declaration of Candidacy, together with graduation fee must be filed no later than four months prior to graduation. Before filing for graduation, students should carefully review their degree requirements with their advisers and be prepared to fulfill any deficiencies. Degrees are awarded September, February and in May. Please visit the University’s Apply for Graduation page for more information.