Academic Policies
Academic Integrity
The School of Public and Global Affairs values Academic Integrity and follows the University’s policy on this topic. All work in any course is expected to be that of the individual student and/or the work of others who are appropriately cited. Note: using an AI program, such as ChatGPT, must be acknowledged and acknowledged in its specifics. Any paper or examination that misrepresents the work of others as that of the student will receive a grade of “0” for that assignment.
Work is also expected to be prepared specifically to fulfill assignments of one course: Any duplication of material submitted for course credit in one course and then another without appropriate disclosure and approval of that duplication is also subject to a grade of ‘0’ and will be duly reported to the University Registrar, (i.e. submitting the same, or essentially the same, paper to two different classes for course credit).
Plagiarism is taken seriously at the University and leads to disciplinary action. The complete University Academic Integrity policy can be found on the University’s website.
FDU’s Academic Regulations and Policy can be accessed at the following link:
Students are required to maintain a 3.0 GPA for the MPA and MA Global Affairs, and a 2.75 for MAS, MSSA and MCHSA.
Students whose GPA falls below the required average or who receive a “C” or lower will be placed on academic probation.
Students who receive a “C” or lower must contact an academic advisor to review the student’s program and address areas of concern.
Probation is listed on the student’s record. A “hold” is placed on the student account until the probation is released, which prevents the student from registering for future terms without permission from an academic advisor.
Students who receive two “C”s or lower will be dismissed from the program.
Any grade lower than a “C” is a failing grade. The failing grade is included in the calculations for the student’s GPA, and no credits are counted towards graduation. If a failed course is a required course, it must be retaken and passed with a grade of B or better.
Admission on Probation
Applicants are required to have a minimum GPA of 2.7 in all undergraduate coursework to qualify for admission.
Applicants with a GPA below 2.7 may be considered for conditional admission on probation by completing the application, providing two letters of recommendation, and submitting a personal statement for evaluation.
Conditions of admission on probation may include:
- A limit on the number of courses taken in the first term.
- A requirement that the student must achieve a minimum grade of B in all courses during the first term.
Upon successful completion of the conditions in the first term of study, the student’s admission will be changed to one of fully matriculated. If a student does not meet the conditional requirements, the academic advisor will issue a letter of recommendation of dismissal to the student. Students may appeal the dismissal by following the Appeal Procedures.
Appeal procedures
Policy and procedures are posted in the Graduate Studies Bulletin (see pages 33-36).
Grade Appeal Procedure
While it is recognized that faculty hold the right and responsibility to grant a grade, a student who receives a grade that he or she believes to be unwarranted may appeal that grade by engaging in the following process:
- Within the first three weeks of the start of the following full semester (fall or spring) in which the grade is received, the student shall have informally appealed the grade to the instructor. If no resolution of the matter results to the student’s satisfaction, the student may initiate the following formal appeal process.
- The student shall request in writing a meeting with the School Director or designee concerning the grade in question.
- The Director or designee shall report to the student on the resolution of the appeal within two weeks of that meeting.
- If the issue is not resolved to the student’s satisfaction, the student has one week to appeal in writing to the School Director.
- The Director (or designee) shall review the entire matter with the student, the faculty member, and/or the academic supervisor involved.
- If the Director or designee feels there is no basis for a grade change, that determination is final and should be conveyed to the student in writing within two weeks of receipt of the student’s appeal.
- If the Director or designee believes that an erroneous grade may be the case, the Director or designee shall attempt to resolve the issue with the instructor. If, however, resolution is not achieved, the Director or designee shall refer the case to the Ad Hoc Grade Appeal Committee.
- The committee is expected to convene within two weeks after receipt of the referral.
- Each Ad Hoc Grade Appeal Committee shall consist of faculty selected by the Director, and a professional staff person selected by the Dean of Students.
- The committee shall have the authority to recommend an appropriate course of action to the Director who shall have the authority to implement the recommendation. The recommendation shall be conveyed to all parties involved, in writing.
Transfer Policy and Prior Learning Assessment
The School of Public and Global Affairs (SPGA) focuses on graduate-level education for professionals, especially those in, or aspiring to, administrative leadership positions. These individuals have completed various courses and trainings in either a formal or informal format.
To Transfer Credit from another university
Students can request the School to consider awarding up to nine transfer credits for graduate level work. Provide the following information for consideration:
- The course titles and number of transfer credits completed at another regionally accredited institution. The courses must align with courses in our program.
- A copy of the course catalog and description as well as syllabi for the courses to be transferred.
- A copy of a transcript that indicating the grade for the course. To receive credit, the applicant must have earned at least a B grade.
On receipt of the request for transfer credit, the Academic Program Coordinator will determine if the courses are an appropriate substitution for SPGA courses. If it is, transfer credit will be awarded. If it is not, the applicant will be advised of the reason for denial of the credit. He or she can appeal to the Director of the School for reconsideration in writing within seven days of the denial of credit.
Prior Learning Assessment
Some applicants may be enrolled in, or have completed, certificate programs or other training programs at FDU, or in the U.S., or abroad. In the United States, courses that are approved by the American Council on Education (ACE) are transferred in without a subsequent review providing the coursework is appropriate for the degree being pursued. The maximum number of transfer credits is nine.
We also consider certificates for specific industry sectors. Prior learning assessment will be processed on a case-by-case basis. The process includes:
- The applicant provides a certificate of completion, number of contact hours, an official description, syllabus, and the academic qualifications of the instructor.
- The School’s Educational Policy Committee reviews the documentation to determine whether the program is equivalent to graduate level work, contains a sufficient number of instructor-led contact hours, and has appropriate assessments.
- The committee recommends to the School Director whether credits should be awarded and for which course they substitute.
- Alternatively, the Committee recommends a faculty member who will make supplemental assignments and submit a final grade.