PA Program Policies
Academic Resources
- Graduate Studies Bulletin
- Student Handbook
- Class of 2028 Student Manual
- Class of 2026 Student Manual
- Class of 2025 Student Manual
- Class of 2024 Student Manual
Notice of Non-Discrimination
FDU, the sponsoring institution, and the FDU PA Program do not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, creed, handicap, genetic information, pregnancy status, religion, national origin or ancestry, gender, disability, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and veteran status and provide equal access to its prognosis services and activities, whether they are offered in-person or online. Therefore, there are no admission or enrollment practices that favor specified individuals or groups, and all policies apply to all students.
The non-discrimination policy is consistent with federal, state, and local statues, rules and regulations in compliance with section 504 of Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and with Title IX of the Educational Amendment of 1972. This applies to both activities on campus as well as clinical affiliate sites. At clinical affiliate sites, program policies may be superseded by those at the clinical practice sites. University procedures that govern the titling of a complaint alleging discrimination be found at Policy on Prohibited Discrimination.
Grievance Policy: Allegations of Student Mistreatment and/or Harassment
All student allegations of student mistreatment and/or harassment are taken seriously by the FDU PA Program and its sponsoring institution. Fairleigh Dickinson University (the “University”) Policy on Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct prohibits all forms of Discrimination and Harassment based on Protected Status. It also expressly prohibits related conduct, including Sexual and Gender-Based Harassment, Sexual Assault, Sexual Exploitation, Stalking and Interpersonal Violence, which need not be based on the individual’s Protected Status. In addition, this Policy prohibits Complicity for knowingly assisting in an act that violates this Policy and Retaliation against an individual because of their good faith participation in the reporting, investigation, or adjudication of violations of this Policy. University students and employees who violate this Policy will be met with appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal, expulsion or termination from the University. Third parties who violate this Policy may have their relationship with the University terminated and their access to campus restricted. All instances of student mistreatment and/or harassment (sexual or otherwise) must be brought to the immediate attention of the Program and the matter will be given prompt attention and handled in accordance with the published College policies and procedures. For further information see Policy on Prohibited Discrimination.
Work Policy
The PA Program does not maintain a policy that limits or prevents students from working, but does discourage students from working due to the time constraints of the intense curriculum and the requirements of the supervised clinical practice experiences. Students may work within the University while participating in the Federal Work Study Program as long as such work does not interfere with their academic pursuits and the schedules of the PA Program.
PA students are not required to work for the Program. This policy is consistently applied to all students. In addition, no student workers are used as administrative staff.
PA students in all phases of the PA Program do not substitute for or function as instructional faculty or, during clinical experiences, do not substitute for or function as clinical or administrative staff. Neither enrolled PA students nor prospective students are required to provide or solicit clinical practice sites or preceptors. The global clinical schedule is prepared with appropriate supervised clinical practice experiences for all students. The PA Program coordinates all clinical practice sites and preceptors for all program required and elective rotations. Students expressing an interest in a new clinical site and/or preceptor not included in the program’s preceptor database must complete a request form and the site is reviewed and evaluated, in compliance with the site development policy for program approval. In addition, participation in a clinical experience may not be construed as gainful employment.
Students may not accept payment for work performed during clinical rotations. Accepting payment can result in loss of malpractice liability coverage for the PA student. Once the student has completed all requirements and graduates from the PA Program, the student may pursue a salaried position at the clinical site or institution.
Student Counseling and Psychological Services
PA students have access to and/or may be referred to for services addressing personal issues which may impact their progress in the PA Program. Counseling and psychological services are available at Fairleigh Dickinson University Student Counseling and Psychological Services. This department allows for timely access and/or referral of students to services addressing personal issues which may impact their progress in the PA Program. Student Counseling and Psychological Services complements the academic experience of the student body by facilitating healthy personal, social, and intellectual development of our students. Life circumstances, skills deficits, and/or mental health problems may at times interfere with a student’s ability to successfully achieve important academic and life goals. The unique environment and role of Student Counseling and Psychological Services allows them to help students identify their problems, manage their emotions, learn new problem-solving skills, and successfully meet the academic and social challenges of university life. This is accomplished by offering: Counseling, Diagnostic Evaluation, Psychotherapy, Advocacy, and Mental Health Referrals; developmental, preventative, and remedial counseling to university students; consultation, educational and training services to the university community; and Experiential Workshops on essential life skills (i.e., Assertiveness, Stress Management, Sleep Hygiene).
Disability Support Services
Fairleigh Dickinson University in accordance with all applicable government regulations, guidance, and policies including those underlined in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 works to ensure that responsible accommodations are implemented for enrolled students with documented disabilities to function in the academic environment. All admitted students are judged by the appropriate admissions officer to have the ability to succeed academically, and all students are required to meet the same academic standards. At the same time, FDU recognizes that documented disabilities and potential learning differences may require accommodations. FDU is committed to helping all students develop fully and complete successfully their degree requirements. Potential applicants and students are encouraged to review the published Technical Standards, delineating the skills needed for practice in the PA Profession. Students with documented medical, psychological or learning disabilities can contact the Disability Support Services (DSS) to discuss their specific needs.
Proper Identification and Professional Behaviors
PA students must be clearly identified in the clinical setting to distinguish them from other health profession students and practitioners at all times. This policy is consistently applied to all PA students.
- Students must always identify themselves as PA students to patients and clinical site staff (and never present themselves as physicians, residents, medical students or graduate PAs)
- Students are required to wear the short white consultation jacket at all times, unless instructed otherwise.
- The FDU PA Program patch, supplied by the Program, is to be affixed to the left sleeve of the consultation jacket. The white jacket is to be worn at all times.
- ID badges must be worn near the shoulder and/or at least 10 inches above the waist at all times so as to be visible and readable by an approaching individual. Only one hospital issued pin may be worn on a badge. Multiple pins should not be displayed on the ID badge. Buttons and other adornments may not be displayed on clothing, uniforms or the ID badge.
- While a student at the PA Program, students may not use previously earned titles (such as RN, MD, PhD, DC) for identification purposes.