Entry Level Nursing Tuition and Fees
Fees are best estimates and subject to change. Please notify faculty if student cost of any item is found to be more than 20% above estimated cost, to confirm accuracy of purchase.
Tuition Fees, Technology Fee, University Wellness Education Fee, Matriculation Maintenance Fee, Auditing Fee, Application Fee, Health Insurance, Graduation Fees
- Please see FDU Tuition and Fees website for these current tuition and fee rates.
CastleBranch (myCB)
- This is a medical document manager used to collect and store all clinical compliance documentation.
- Fee paid directly to Castlebranch.
- New students
- One-time setup compliance tracker ($45)
- Initial background check NJ ($70)
- Urine Drug test ($55) (NOTE: Students who test positive for THC may need to repeat urine drug test, at additional cost.)
- Returning students
- Re-check background check NJ ($55)
- Re-check urine drug test ($50-$100)
Student Nurse Malpractice Insurance
- Malpractice insurance is required to attend clinical – required upon enrollment to NURS 2600/2601.
- Rates vary depending on your carrier – pay your malpractice insurance carrier/insurance company directly.
- A copy of the student malpractice insurance certificate is to be uploaded to myCB.
- This is a data entry system used to log experiential learning hours and manage clinical/lab assignments and evaluations.
- Fee paid directly to Trajecsys. Students will receive information on how to register/pay during the nursing program orientation session, and again during NURS 2500/5100.
- It is recommended that students register for a 24-month subscription, which is associated with a $150 fee. This will cover use of the product through projected program completion. (Additional 6-month subscriptions are available for $50, if a student needs to extend their period of enrollment.)
Shadow Health – Digital Clinical Experiences
- This software is used to develop clinical reasoning skills through lifelike interactions with digital standardized patients.
- One-time fee ($110) is paid directly to Shadow Health from Elsevier.
- Course instructor will provide access instructions prior to the due date.
Kaplan – Nursing Complete Program + CAT Accelerated
- This is a suite of NCLEX-RN test preparation resources and practice exams.
- Student cost for Kaplan Nursing Complete Program + CAT Accelerated is paid directly to the bookstore ($670.00) during student registration for NURS 2500/5100.
Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott – WK/L CoursePoint for Nursing Concepts Premium
- This is a software package with reading, testing, simulation, and resource materials that will be used across the nursing program.
- Students will receive information on how to register/pay during NURS 2500/5100.
- Payment is divided into two installments. First payment ($750 direct; $1000 retail) is made prior to starting NURS 2500/5100; second payment ($390 direct; $570 retail) is made prior to starting NURS 3500/3501.
Access to WK/L CoursePoint includes:
-Access to PrepU Adaptive Learning program for 36 months (a required program to complete course assignments).
-Access to Lippincott Nursing Advisor for 36 months (a recommended resource for students).
-Stedman’s Online Dictionary for 36 months (a recommended resource for students).
-eBooks which are downloadable (students have permanent access) with note-taking, highlighting, and search functionality:
- Taylor, Lynn, & Bartlett: Fundamentals of Nursing: The Art and Science of Person-Centered Care
- Hinkle and Cheever: Brunner & Suddarth’s Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing
- Tucker: Karch’s Focus on Nursing Pharmacology
- Ricci, Kyle, and Carman: Maternity and Pediatric Nursing
- Videbeck: Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing
- Porth: Essentials of Pathophysiology
- Huston: Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing
- Weber and Kelley: Health Assessment in Nursing
Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott – WK/L Docucare
- This is a software program that simulates an electronic health record (EHR) environment to support education for healthcare documentation in clinical, lab, and classroom.
- Students will receive information on how to register/pay during NURS 2500/5100. Students register for 12-month access, which is associated with a one-time $105 fee (covers use of the product in NURS 2501/5101 and NURS 2601/5201).
Wolters Kluwer/Lippincott – WK/L eBooks and Other Materials
For certain other clinical courses, students will need to purchase these other resources:
- Lippincott Skills for Nursing ($160 direct; $180 retail)
- vSim for Fundamentals ($75 direct; $130 retail) – 10 virtual simulations specific to fundamentals – 10 virtual simulations specific to fundamentals
- vSim for MedSurg ($75 direct; $130 retail) – 10 virtual simulations specific to fundamentals – 10 virtual simulations specific to fundamentals
- vSim for Mental Health ($75 direct; $130 retail) – 10 virtual simulations specific to mental health
- vSim for Maternity and Pediatrics ($75 direct; $130 retail) – 11 virtual simulations specific to Mat/Peds
- CoursePoint for Buchholz/Henke’s MedMath ($110 direct; $135 retail) – dosage calculation content, interactive modules and video cases to instruct on medication administration
- Passpoint ($125 direct; $175 retail) – formative assessment with practice exams and quizzing for NCLEX prep
Other Course Textbooks and Materials
- General education, science, and math courses will generally require purchase of textbooks/materials. The cost varies depending on course and instructor (anticipate $100-150/course).
- FDU Libraries (free to students) has copies of some of the textbooks at no cost to students.
Dove Nursing Uniforms
- Students wear a common uniform when attending clinical purchased through Dove Professional Apparel.
- Use school code: FAIR
- Cost depends on how many uniforms students order (typically $200).
- Purchased during student registration for NURS 2500/2501.
Pins for Pinning Ceremony
- Students can choose from a variety of silver and gold school pins that range in price ($99 and up) for use in the traditional pinning ceremony that takes place in the week prior to graduation.
National Examination and State Board Licensure Fees
- The current registration fee to take the NCLEX-RN National Council Licensure examination is $200.
The New Jersey Board of Nursing additionally requires a $75 application fee and a $120 initial licensing fee to process all supporting documentation for licensure. New Jersey residents must also pay a fingerprinting fee of ~$65. (The New York State licensure fee is $143. Other state licensure fees vary from $90 to $350 – students should contact the appropriate nursing board office for registration information.)