Lab facilities

The Metropolitan campus has six general-purpose computer labs with a total of nearly 200 Intel Core 2 vPro processor computers available for student use. Four of these labs, with a total of 111 computers, are dedicated solely for majors in the School of Computer Sciences and Engineering. Also available is a multimedia lab equipped with high-resolution color printers and scanners for the production of high-quality graphics, animation and multimedia presentations. All PCs are connected to the University Network and to the Internet. All buildings, including residence halls and library, are connected with either fiber or high-speed serial links.
Programming language compilers available include Virtual BASIC.NET, C, C++, and Assembly. Software packages for engineering and engineering technology students are MathCAD, Electronic Workbench, AutoCAD, Primavera, PSPICE, Microsoft Office Suite, Motorola Digital Signal Processing Development Software, Simulink and MATLAB with various toolboxes such as Neural Networks, Fuzzy Logic, Signal Processing, Image Processing, Communications, Control, System Identification and Symbolic Math.
Labs of interest to the electrical engineering students are the Computer and Graphics Lab, Computer Applications and Interfacing Lab, Circuits and Electronics Lab, Electronics and Communications Lab, Computer Networking and System Administration Lab, Industrial Automation and Robotics Lab, Green Energy Lab, Additive Manufacturing (3-D Printing) Lab, Electromechanical Systems Lab, Advanced Mechatronics Lab, Cyber Defense and Digital Forensics Lab (Under development), and an iLab.
A VLSI Design Laboratory features circuit design and verification tools used for both schematic based layout and VHDL synthesis based designs. The tools include Design Architect, Eldo, IC Station, Calibre, Modelsim and Leonardo Spectrum.
At FDU, you will learn by doing. Our faculty are leaders in their respective fields who will impart
their knowledge to you in intimate classroom settings and our state-of-the-art laboratories.
In our facilities, you’ll work with the same top-grade equipment that you’ll eventually encounter in your professional life, including firewalls; digital forensics workstations; robots; flexible manufacturing systems; 3D printers; soil testing equipment; green energy devices; electromechanical systems; electronic equipment;processors; and all kinds of software.
What you can do in our Advanced Laboratories
- Industrial Automation & Robotics Labs and Advanced Mechatronics Lab: Learn the most effective ways to automate manufacturing and distribution processes,
configure flexible manufacturing systems, and program robots. - Additive and CNC Manufacturing Labs: Create prototypes and new products.
- Green Energy Lab: Discover how to use renewable energy sources and devices.
- Materials Testing Lab and Soil Mechanics Lab: Test and analyze materials and soil behavior.
- Electromechanical Systems & Mechanical Training Lab: Build an entire electromechanical system
using motors, generators, gears, belts and pulleys, and shafts. - Electronics & Communication Lab and Computer & Interfacing Lab: Simulate, analyze, design, and test electronic, control and communication systems.
- Systems Administration & Computer Networking Lab, Cisco Networking Academy,
and Cyber Defense & Digital Forensics Lab: Construct computer networks, build firewalls
and defend against security intrusions, and analyze system vulnerabilities.