Hispanic Center

Video: The Hispanic Center at Fairleigh Dickinson University

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¡Bienvenidos al Centro Hispano de la Universidad Fairleigh Dickinson! Reconocemos que nuestras poblaciones estudiantiles son muy diversas. Todas tienen una firme determinación de completar sus estudios y alcanzar objetivos educativos de largo plazo.

Welcome to Hispanic Center at Fairleigh Dickinson University! We have come to recognize a common trait among our very diverse student populations – a steadfast determination to complete their studies and reach long-held educational goals.

Las oportunidades para los hispanohablantes abundan en negocios, finanzas, derecho, medicina, trabajo social y muchas otras áreas. Tambien profesores que hablan español siempre están en demanda. Las personas que poseen múltiples habilidades lingüísticas tienen una clara ventaja en el mercado laboral. Nuestros programas están diseñados para ayudar a los estudiantes latinos a alcanzar sus metas universitarias. Los programas, Puerta Al Futuro, Latino Promise Program, HACER y Avanza de FDU, brindan un enfoque personalizado a la educación superior para estudiantes en busca de un título de Asociado o Licenciatura.

Opportunities for Spanish speakers abound in business, finance, law, medicine, ministry, social work, and translation — and Spanish language teachers are always in demand. Individuals who possess multiple language skills have a distinct advantage on the job market. Our programs are designed to help Latino students achieve their college goals, FDU’s Latino Promise Program provides a personalized approach to higher education for high school students in pursuit of an Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree.

Profesores y personal del Centro Hispano

Los programas del Centro Hispano están dirigidos por un grupo de profesionales sumamente talentosos y motivados que se apasionan por garantizar que los estudiantes latinos tengan la oportunidad de alcanzar su máximo potencial a nivel universitario.

Hispanic Center Faculty and Staff

The Hispanic Center programs are led by a group of highly talented and motivated individuals who are passionate about ensuring that Latino students have the opportunity to reach their full potential at the college level.

Contact Information
Irene Oujo

Levels of Opportunity

You Your Goal Your Next Step
Spanish-speaking adult learners Associates degree as a career credential or as the first step to a higher degree Puerta Al Futuro
Bilingual high school graduates needing support in the early years of an academic career   Latino Promise
High school graduates   HACER
Hispanic students at partner high schools in New Jersey Exposure to college studies while gaining English fluency and credits toward a college degree Avanza
NJ middle school students for whom English is an academic subject   Hispanic Center outreach and summer programs
Parents of an Hispanic student Help your student make good choices among available academic programs that will open up career choices. Bilingual financial aid workshops
Organizations and Leaders in the Hispanic Community Bilingual testimonials and speakers; a way to inform and provide benefits to motivated students and alumni. Meet with the Hispanic Center to discuss FDU’s plans

The Hispanic Center is a resource that is available for all members of the FDU community.  People of all backgrounds and experiences are welcome to participate in all programs and activities offered by the Center, regardless of their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, sexual orientation or gender expression, or any other basis prohibited by law.