FDU Poll Release History

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  • 2003 governor

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March 12: Voters Divided Over Energy Production

March 7: NJ Narrowly Favors School Cell Phone Ban

March 6: Ciattarelli Leads in Republican Nomination Fight

March 5: Baraka, Sherrill and Fulop Pull Away from the Pack


November 18: NJ Voters Favor Social Media Warning Labels

November 15: NJ Voters: Bipartisan Backing for Turnpike Expansion

November 13: Voters OK with Magnet Schools to Reduce Segregation, Divided on District Mergers

October 30: Kim Up Big in New Jersey Senate Race

October 21: Americans Say Kids Should Stop Trick-or-Treating at 13 and a half

October 16: Trump Support Depends on Being Seen as Masculine

September 19: Online Betting Leads to Problems for Young Men

September 12: Voters Strongly Favor New Benefit Requirements for App Workers

August 30: Trump’s Embrace of Crypto Pays Off

August 23: Race and Gender Push Harris Above Trump Nationally

June 27: New Jersey Voters Don’t See Segregation

June 3: Tom Kean, Sr, is Best Remembered Governor

May 29: Newark Residents Back Baraka for Governor

April 24: Majority of NJ Voters Support Increased Fees for EVs

April 15: Kim leads Republicans in poll of Senate Election

April 12: Voters Reject OPRA Overhaul

February 7: Stereotypes About Asian-American Men Hurt Kim

February 6: First Lady’s Candidacy Harms Murphy’s Approval

February 2: Kim Has Big Lead Over Murphy in NJ Senate Primary


October 27: One in Six in New Jersey Think the Jersey Devil Might Be Real

October 24: Support for Ranked Choice Voting Falls Short in New Jersey

October 20: Strong Support for Corporate Tax to Fund NJ Transit

October 19: NJ Voters Want Menendez Out

October 18: Parental Control Arguments Hit Democrats Hard in NJ Legislative Races

August 16: Sexism Drives Support for Trump in GOP Primary

August 15: Trump indictments matter, but only among Republicans who are paying attention

August 10: Trump Leads in Poll of Likely Republican Primary Voters

August 10: Christie leads among GOP voters who think Trump indictments are legitimate

May 24:Italian Americans Still Politically Distinct in NJ

May 15: Jersey Residents Support Teaching Climate Change in Schools

May 12: Jersey Residents Say Politicians are Corrupt, Even the Ones that Represent Them

May 11: New Jersey Wants to Halt Development of Off-Shore Wind Farms

May 10: Trump Legal Woes Help Christie in Primary Challenge

Feb. 20:  Sexism holding back Democratic Women Candidates in NJ

Feb. 16: Majority in New Jersey support Fusion Ticket laws

Feb. 15: New Jersey Split on Modifying Bag Ban

Feb. 14: NJ Residents Narrowly Favor Liquor License Expansions

Feb. 10: FDU Poll: NJ Residents Support Later High School Opening Times

Feb. 9: Sherrill and Ciattarelli are early leaders in 2025 Governor’s Race


Dec. 21: New Jersey sex ed better than other states, still needs work

Dec. 16: NJ Residents Under 30 more Progressive, but not more Democratic

Nov. 15: NJ Residents Want Smaller Role for County Parties

Nov. 14: New Jersey Residents Show Support For Its Farmers

Nov. 10: Voters Oppose Expansion of NJ Casinos, Smoking Bans

Nov. 9: New Jerseyans don’t want governors running for President

Nov. 7: New Jersey gives local media low scores

Nov. 3: Abortion Concerns Boost Turnout, But Not Democrats in NJ Races

June 8: On the 75th Anniversary of the Roswell Incident, 1/3rd of Americans think it might have been aliens

May 20: Legal Sports Betting Common Even Where It’s Banned

May 11: “Green Lanternism” holding down Biden’s approval ratings

May 5: 2020 Election Conspiracy Believers More Likely to Embrace Bigfoot, Flat Earth


Dec. 1: Most New Jerseyans Would Choose Non-Opioid Alternatives To Reduce Pain

Dec. 1: Belief in “War on Christmas” Bigger Than Ever Nationally

Nov. 19: Young people, Democrats, vegetarians not looking forward to seeing family

Nov. 11: Denial of Systemic Racism Drives Opposition to Police Reform

Nov. 2: Murphy has big leads among older Black, Hispanic and Asian American voters, but big differences remain

Oct. 29: Murphy retains lead, builds momentum among independents

Oct. 21: Both Murphy and Ciattarelli Supporters Want Full Pension Payments

Oct. 12: Murphy Holds 25-Point Lead Among Older Voters

Aug. 31: A year later, Newark residents see little progress on police reforms

Aug. 26: Blacks in Newark Want More Diversity in Schools

Aug. 23: Newark adores Baraka, ignores Don Payne, Jr

July 21: The COVID-19 Pandemic Continues to Negatively Impact NJ Parents and Child Care

July 14: NJ residents like “The Garden State”

July 12: New Jersey voters want property tax deduction restored

July 8: New Jersey voters don’t want betting on college sports

June 25: A Quarter of NJ workers never going back to the office

June 21: Murphy leads a mostly unknown Ciatterelli

Apr. 16: FDU Poll finds NJ working parents face child care challenges amid pandemic

Feb. 16: FDU Poll finds masculinity is a major risk factor for COVID-19


  • 30OCT2020 What’s Stressing Americans Out Most? Spoiler alert . . .
     . . . it’s not COVID 19 or the election.
  • 26OCT2020 Large majorities support transition to 100% clean energy
     . . . express concern over climate change and the impacts of gas pipelines.

  • 16OCT2020 Confidence in coronavirus vaccine declines among NJ residents
     Schools and Murphy Get High Marks, Trump Not So Much.

  • 09OCT2020 Biden projected to win handily in New Jersey . . .
     . . . driven more by distaste for Trump than strong support for the Democratic candidate.

  • 30SEP2020 New Jersey Working Parents Face Child Care Challenges Due to COVID-19
     Nearly 40% of parents using child care said it was more difficult to find affordable care during the pandemic.

  • 13AUG2020 New Jerseyans Recognize Importance of Child Care
     91% see high quality and affordable care as important.

  • 28JUL2020 New Jerseyans Want Restrictions to Stay to Fight Spread of Covid-19
     Majority will wear masks and will take the vaccine when available.

  • 23JUL2020 Distrust for Policymakers Drives Opposition to Toll Hikes
     Fifty percent say they doubt that the money will be funneled into road repairs.

  • 16JUL2020 NJ Residents Split on Whether to Reopen Schools
     Many will wait for vaccine before going back to all businesses.

  • 29JUN2020 Americans Unsure About Title IX Changes to Colleges and Universities
     . . . but support fairness and consistency.

  • 23JUN2020 Americans Favor Broad COVID-19 Restrictions
     . . . despite infringements on personal freedoms and privacy.

  • 10JUN2020 Majority of Americans will delay medical treatment to avoid Covid-19 risk
     Awaiting a vaccine but only somewhat confident of its safety and effectiveness.

  • 02JUN2020 Americans have little trust in Trump regarding Covid-19
     … for his informationn or his management of the pandemic.

  • 27MAR2020 Americans stock up on prescription drugs
     … while some look to disproven remedies to protect against covid-19.

  • 09MAR2020 New Jersey Residents Support Gig Worker Autonomy
     … as well as increased access to benefits.

  • 24FEB2020 Murphy Treads Water at the Halfway Mark
     Opinion is mixed on whether any accomplishments can be credited to him.

  • 21FEB2020 Trump Tanks in New Jersey
     Approval underwater despite strong economy.

  • 18FEB2020 Bloomberg Leapfrogs Democratic Field to Tie with Sanders
     Trump Trounced by all Dems in head to head.


  • 10DEC2019 Sexism and Politics in the Garden State
     While most of the Garden State rejects sexist beliefs about women, those beliefs are closely tied to views of important social issues.

  • 25NOV2019 GSI/FDU Poll: Nearly Half of Residents Planning Departure from NJ Citing Property Taxes and Cost of Living, Not the Weather
     Survey conducted for the Garden State Initiative (GSI) and Fairleigh Dickinson University s School of Public & Global Affairs.

  • 31OCT2019 Broad Support for Greater Gun Control Among Garden Staters
     Mandatory background checks, funding for mental health, most widely supported.

  • 11OCT2019 Voters Primed to Support Dems in November
     Trump Not a Factor, While Murphy Treading Water in NJ.

  • 08OCT2019 50% Support Impeachment Hearings
     Even more fear the country is headed in the wrong direction.

  • 02OCT2019 Racial, Socioeconomic, and Political Diversity in the Garden State
     Joint Rutgers-Eagleton/FDU Poll.

  • 26AUG2019 Joint Rutgers-Eagleton/FDU Poll: Most New Jerseyans Perceive No School Segregation
     This despite research that has found high levels of segregation of black and Latin-American students in the Garden State.

  • 06AUG2019 New Jerseyans Are Moving Beyond Stereotypical Views of Gender
     Some attitudes have changed, some have endured, since Rutgers-Eagleton and FDU asked about these traits in 2003.

  • 29JUL2019 Questions About Your Health?
     Most Americans consult pharmacists and websites.

  • 17JUL2019 Joint Rutgers-Eagleton/FDU Poll: One in Four Households Have a Member Who Has Taken Prescription Pain Relievers In Past Year
     Virtually All Residents Believe Opioid Usage Is a Problem In New Jersey.

  • 10JUL2019 Motorists Not Seeing Benefits of Recent Gas Tax Increases
     A joint survey from the FDU Poll and the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 825.

  • 17JUN2019 A Third of Adults in NJ Can’t Name the Governor
     Overall, Gov. Murphy’s approval is at 42 percent.

  • 06JUN2019 80 Percent of New Jerseyans are Happy
     A joint survey from Rutgers and Fairleigh Dickinson finds happy residents, some more so than others.

  • 12APR2019 New Jersey Residents, Oh Deer!
     Residents strongly support hunting as a way of controlling the New Jersey deer population.

  • 11APR2019 Use of pharmacists as a medical information resource
     Over half of all Americans consult with the pharmacist on duty when they visit a pharmacy.

  • 09APR2019 Political leaders not really doing it for Garden Staters
     Low favorabilities across the board for the politicians studied.

  • 04APR2019 Support for Millionaires Tax
     Lackluster ratings for Governor Murphy.

  • 04APR2019 Is an Aspirin a Day a Good Idea?
     A quarter of all Americans use or have used it daily.


  • 17DEC2018 Does It Matter Where You Get Your News?
     Not all news sources are created equal.

  • 01NOV2018 Is it Fake News?
     Scandal confusion in the Trump era.

  • 12OCT2018 Murphy and the Public Agree on Wage Hike
     . . . but differ on the magnitude.

  • 03OCT2018 A Tight Contest for Menendez; Many Democrats Still Undecided
     Trump casts a long shadow in NJ race.

  • 02OCT2018 Garden Staters Lean Toward a No on Kavanaugh
     Testimony has little effect; party and Trump appear more important.

  • 09AUG2018 Water Woes
     NJ divided over benefits of fluoridated water.

  • 31JUL2018 The Best Medicine is Truth
     Not everyone believes reassurances about cellphones, fluoridated water, and vaccines.

  • 28JUN2018 Supplements, Safety, and Misperceptions
     How Americans understand natural health products.

  • 20JUN2018 The Opioid Crisis
     Americans favor compassion and treatment for addicts of all stripes.

  • 15JUN2018 Smokers and Beaches: Not Perfect Together
     75% support proposal to ban smoking at the beach.

  • 06JUN2018 NJ vs. US: Where is Life Better?
     Comparing NJ quality of life to the rest of the country.

  • 01JUN2018 Going to the City? NYC and Philly a Safer Bet
     Two cities outside their own state feel safer to NJ adults.

  • 29MAY2018 Support for Supreme Court Ruling on Sports Betting
     Sixty-two percent of adults support allowing professional sports betting to expand.

  • 25MAY2018 Menendez Has Ground to Cover with Voters Before November
     … although his numbers have improved since 2017.

  • 18MAY2018 Support for Supreme Court Ruling on Sports Betting
     50% of citizens likely to celebrate the decision.

  • 05MAR2018 Saving for Retirement is Complicated and Confusing in the Garden State
     Delayed Retirement Seems Inevitable for Many.

  • 01FEB2018 Recreational Weed Not a Slam Dunk Among Garden Staters
     Gradations of support for prospective legal steps.

  • 30JAN2018 Public Cautiously Optimistic for Murphy
     No traction for Trump in New Jersey.


  • 06DEC2017 Opioid Use in New Jersey
     Public favors treatment more than penalties. [more]

  • 06NOV2017 Christie: Don’t Let the Door Hit you on the Way Out
     41% of Voters Say He’s Been Among NJ’s Worst Governors. [more]

  • 03NOV2017 Jersey Fresh Continues to Shine
     59 percent of voters seek out the Jersey Fresh label when shopping for produce. [more]

  • 25OCT2017 Guadagno struggles with a NJ Republican Party re-shaped by Trump
     Some likely voters have switched parties. [more]

  • 18OCT2017 Voters’ low view of Trump lifts Democratic candidates
     . . . in governor’s races in both New Jersey and Virginia. [more]

  • 17OCT2017 Murphy Ahead Amidst a Sea of Discontent
     Neither candidate hit a home run in the debate last week. [more]

  • 06SEP2017 Menendez Trial Begins
     PublicMind reviews his approval ratings [more]

  • 17MAY2017 Second Annual State of Diversity Survey
     More diversity at work than elsewhere [more]

  • 20APR2017 Staying Informed Across the Garden State
     Where do you go and what do you know [more]

  • 12APR2017 In Politics, What You Know Is Less Important
     … than what you’d like to believe [more]

  • 30MAR2017 Trump Loses Support in Garden State
     New Jerseyans see benefits of keeping rather than dumping ACA [more]

  • 28MAR2017 Guadagno and Murphy Ahead with Majority Still Undecided
     Christie and State Government Get a Big Thumbs Down [more]

  • 09FEB2017 Murphy and Guadagno Have Early Lead in Gubernatorial Primaries
     … but most voters begin the campaign unsure [more]

  • 06FEB2017 Clueless on Affordable Housing
     … yet strong and growing support for more housing options [more]

  • 02FEB2017 President Begins in Upside Down Territory
     Garden State attendance at Women’s March [more]

  • 31JAN2017 Most Disapprove of Governor and Legislature
     .. and majority say NJ is on the wrong track [more]


  • 21DEC2016 A Cold Shower on a Wintry Day, or a Political Party
     The answer may surprise you [more]

  • 15DEC2016 President Trump: Cause for Hope and Disgust in NJ
     Some voted for a candidate, others voted against a candidate [more]

  • 09DEC2016 Looking Beyond Christie
     Six Candidates with Little Familiarity to Voters [more]

  • 06DEC2016 Christie Approval Reaches Historic Lows
     Voters believe Christie should have been a Bridgegate defendant [more]

  • 15NOV2016 Strong Support for Farms in the Garden State
     Two thirds of residents have heard the slogan “Jersey Fresh” [more]

  • 02NOV2016 More Americans For than Against Nationwide Sports Betting
     Strongest support among sports bettors and those under 35 [more]

  • 24OCT2016 Support for More Casinos Down to 24%
     Conflicting opinions on gas tax issues [more]

  • 19OCT2016 Governor Christie’s Approval Reaches a New Low
     Majority doubt him in Bridgegate [more]

  • 18OCT2016 Trump Trails Clinton by Double Digits in New Jersey
     Opinion divided on importance of 2005 audio recording remarks [more]

  • 11OCT2016 Trump and Clinton Supporters Believe in Conspiracies That Smear the Opposition
     Birther beliefs flourish despite Trump’s disavowal [more]

  • 05OCT2016 VP Picks Favored More Than Trump and Clinton
     Clinton over Trump by double digits [more]

  • 28JUL2016 Love for Clinton and Obama in Delaware
     Less unanimity about other other issues [more]

  • 27JUL2016 Delaware Voters Yawn About State Races
     … but are largely upbeat about leaders and the State’s health [more]

  • 20JUL2016 New Jerseyans Divided on Best Way to Stop Gun Violence
     Gun owners — 17% of respondents — significantly less supportive of restrictions [more]

  • 11JUL2016 Two Amendments Offered on Election Day 2016
     Voters inclined against casino expansion, in favor of dedicating gas tax to TTF [more]

  • 30JUN2016 Obama Up, Christie Continues to Struggle
     Approval for Obama or Christie performance predicts 2016 presidential vote [more]

  • 29JUN2016 Clinton Trumps Trump by Big Margin
     But Johnson hurts Clinton more than he does Trump [more]

  • 21JUN2016 NJ Residents Say Make Beaches Smoke Free
     Three out of four support legislation [more]

  • 06JUN2016 Texting, Emailing, Social Media in Wide Use in Garden State
     Millennials outpace others in use and frequency of checking [more]

  • 01JUN2016 Slim Edge for Those Seeking Transgender Rights in NJ
     Majority support among the one in five who say they know someone transgender [more]

  • 26MAY2016 Name Recognition of 2017 Gubernatorial Possibles
     Sweeney has lead over other possible 2017 gubernatorial contenders in New Jersey [more]

  • 24MAY2016 Trump is Toast in the Garden State
     Clinton leads him by double digits; Sanders leads him by even more [more]

  • 24MAY2016 NJ Voters Give Christie His Highest Disapproval Recorded
     Half of voters dislike Christie personally AND politically [more]

  • 04MAY2016 Trump Supporters More Conspiracy-Minded Than Other Republicans
     23%of Americans believe Clinton knew of Benghazi attacks in advance [more]

  • 28APR2016 Gender Considerations Cause Voters to Favor Democratic Candidates
     Clinton would fare better against Trump than against Cruz or Kasich [more]

  • 28MAR2016 Garden Staters Didn’t See Their Wallets Swell in 2015
     One in five say their personal finances worsened [more]

  • 23MAR2016 Thought of a Woman President Rattles N.J. Male Voters
     The thought of Clinton’s gender could cost her 8 percent of the vote [more]

  • 14MAR2016 Tipping at Counter Service Businesses
     New Jerseyans self-report that they are generous but not happy about it [more]

  • 09MAR2016 No Consensus Over Ending Double-Dipping Among State Workers
     41% approve, 49% disapprove, of a proposed bill that would stop the practice [more]

  • 07MAR2016 “Liar” Clinton Beats “Arrogant” Trump in NJ
     although Trump takes southern portion of the state [more]

  • 03MAR2016 Strong Support for Minimum Wage Increase
     … but not to $15 an hour [more]

  • 02MAR2016 No Love for Christie After Trump Endorsement
     Voters are creative in one-word descriptions of Christie, Obama [more]

  • 25JAN2016 Should Gas Tax Only Go to Transportation Trust Fund?
     Less than 30% have even heard of the proposed amendment [more]

  • 21JAN2016 Support for Quarterly Pension Payments
     … but concern over budget cuts and tax increases [more]

  • 19JAN2016 Support Grows for Casino Expansion in NJ
     Biggest gains in support are among residents 18-34 years old [more]

  • 14JAN2016 Taft-Fairleigh Dickinson New Jersey State of Diversity Survey
     83 percent have racially diverse interactions daily at work; only 59 percent outside of work [more]

  • 12JAN2016 Stagnant Approval Ratings Plague NJ Governor
     Majority say he’s neither better nor worse than past governors [more]


  • 22DEC2015 Trump Claim of Muslim Celebrations in NJ on 9/11 Highlights Partisan Differences
     Disagreement on the facts; distrust of media reports [more]

  • 17DEC2015 47% Believe Politicians Are Taking the Christ Out of Christmas
     Up from 28% since the same question in 2013 [more]

  • 14DEC2015 The Piercing Poll
     One out of five has ink; 6 percent have piercing(s) other than their ears [more]

  • 09DEC2015 Garden Staters say “Don’t Misuse Open Space Funding”
     Consumers favor Jersey Fresh produce [more]

  • 23NOV2015 New Jerseyans Lack Trust in Either Party to Fix the State’s Problems
     Two thirds of independents distrust both parties [more]

  • 19NOV2015 Policymakers Face a Bumpy Road with Taxpayers Over the Gas Tax
     62% say they are opposed to raising the gas tax even for road and bridge repairs [more]

  • 17NOV2015 Christie Loses Support of Republicans; Trump and Rubio Lead Among NJ GOP Voters
     Sanders gains among once-undecided voters but still second to Clinton [more]

  • 10NOV2015 Americans Blame Congress and VA for Poor Care of Veterans
     Homelessness and lack of mental health services seen as most critical issues [more]

  • 30OCT2015 Trump Taints America’s Views on Political Correctness
     Poll suggests perceptions of Political Correctness are Trumped by Trump [more]

  • 27OCT2015 Pharmacies are Increasingly Important as Health Care Providers
     Democrats PointVaccinations the most commonly sought service [more]

  • 20OCT2015 Republicans Advocate More Guns to Reduce Mass Shootings
     Democrats Point to Regulation as the Best Way [more]

  • 14OCT2015 National Poll Examines the “Clueless Factor”
     Knowledgeable voters less likely to support Trump, Clinton [more]

  • 13OCT2015 Gender Plays a Role in Mind of Voters
     Gender gap discussion favors male candidates [more]

  • 08OCT2015 Trump and Carson Top List of Republican Field
     Clinton Maintains Lead over Sanders [more]

  • 31JUL2015 Support for Marijuana Legalization Reaches New High
     Majority had opposed, now favors [more]

  • 29JUN2015 2016 Presidential Hopefuls Polarize Voters
     Top candidates also most disliked [more]

  • 24JUN2015 Public Opposed to Gaming’s Expansion
     and Divided Over Revenue Sharing with AC [more]

  • 23JUN2015 NJ Governor and Legislature Receive Poor Marks
     Christie approval rating drops six points to 30 percent [more]

  • 18MAY2015 Majority Support for the Death Penalty Remains in New Jersey
     although the State has abolished it.

  • 14MAY2015 Garden Staters Demand Reform
     to the Criminal Justice System

  • 13MAY2015 Race Still Divides New Jerseyans
     Over Issues of Criminal Justice

  • 30APR2015 NJ voters think Menendez is guilty
     but not alone –“They all do it”

  • 27APR2015 Agreement on what corruption means
     but not necessarily when it applies

  • 22APR2015 Christie vs. Clinton in 2016?
     NJ voters predict primary victors

  • 21APR2015 Looking for friends in all the wrong places?
     Christie visits other states

  • 12MAR2015 ISIS Strikes Fear in Majority of NJ Residents
     Little consensus on how to answer the threat

  • 09MAR2015 New Jersey residents don’t like much about Common Core
     or know much either

  • 05MAR2015 Expand Sports Betting and Casinos?
     Public Says Not So Fast

  • 03MAR2015 No Gains for the Governor After Budget Address
     but a Slight Presidential Rebound

  • 19FEB2015 Misconceptions fuel deep unpopularity of Common Core
     Only 17% favor the standards

  • 13FEB2015 What’s in Your Supplements?
     Even the Experts Are Stumped

  • 19JAN2015 Pumping the Taxpayers for More Money
     NJ Voters say no to gas tax increase

  • 15JAN2015 Five Years Under Chris Christie as Governor
     Just 19% Happy During the Christie Years

  • 13JAN2015 State of the State And the Governor:
     Not Great

  • 09JAN2015 Americans distrust science
     but The Daily Show helps

  • 08JAN2015 Where Have All The Heroes Gone?
     Few Americans have one in mind

  • 07JAN2015 Ignorance, Partisanship Drive False Beliefs about Obama, Iraq
     Americans who know less believe more


  • 17DEC2014 Americans Hungry for Compromise
     Romney Leads Republican Pack

  • 10DEC2014 Senate report on CIA torture
     Earlier PublicMind analysis showed “effectiveness” was key

  • 03NOV2014 Safe in the city?
     Not all of them, say New Jerseyans

  • 27OCT2014 New Jerseyans can’t turn away from Ebola coverage
     Not impressed with Federal government’s handling

  • 23OCT2014 Governor’s approval numbers flip
     More voters disapprove than approve

  • 21OCT2014 Blast from the past:
     Lead for Booker Comparable to Bell’s Last Opponent in 1978

  • 13OCT2014 Pay college athletes?
     No, say majority of Garden Staters

  • 15SEP2014 Looking Beyond Christie
     NJ Leadership Up for Grabs

  • 10SEP2014 Booker over Bell by Double Digits
     Midterms Defined by Voter Discontent

  • 09SEP2014 Hypothetical 2016 Match-ups:
     Christie Beats Other Republicans Against Clinton

  • 04AUG2014 Majority in Garden State Opposed to Casinos Outside of AC
     Meadowlands trumps Monmouth as Favored New Site

  • 28JUL2014 Majority support Death with Dignity
     and want the option for themselves

  • 23JUL2014 Who knows what about Common Core
     The more they think they know, the less they know

  • 22JUL2014 Christie’s ratings tread water
     amid impatience with pace of Bridgegate investigation

  • 14JUN2014 Atlantic City or out of state?
     NJ residents would rather gamble in-state

  • 12JUN2014 Sales Tax and the Internet
     Pay Now or Pay Later

  • 11JUN2014 Democrats Hold Edge in NJ House Races
     Obama Support Just as Polarized as Bush

  • 09JUN2014 Not So Golden Years for New Jersey Retirees
     Only one in three future retirees plan to stay in NJ

  • 04JUN2014 Public Employee Pension System in Trouble
     Voters still reject reduced payouts

  • 03JUN2014 Christie Stabilizes, Bridgegate Interest Down
     But Voters Worried About State

  • 08MAY2014 Pick Your Vice: To Light Up or Double Down?
     Americans Reach for Their Lighters

  • 05MAY2014 Partisanship Reach Extends Beyond Obamacare
     Non-partisan groups viewed with partisan eyes

  • 29APR2014 Can Anyone Defeat Hillary Clinton?
     No standouts among Republican contenders

  • 21APR2014 Reservations about Native American Sovereignty
     Voters are divided on Supreme Court case

  • 21APR2014 Voters Say We Can Pray in Public Meetings
     … as long as specific beliefs are not favored.

  • 02APR2014 Voters Disagree with High Court:
     Limits on Money Don’t Restrict Free Speech.

  • 25MAR2014 Pols and their Musicians —
     It’s Not Music to Their Ears

  • 17MAR2014 Disapproval for Middle Class Tax Hikes
     Increasing income tax on the rich is another story.

  • 13MAR2014 Baby, It’s Cold Outside
     . . . and Maybe We’re to Blame

  • 11MAR2014 Christie Approval Slips Further
     Bridgegate: Legislature, Governor, and Media Could Do a Better Job

  • 03MAR2014 2014 Winter Report on New Jersey Consumer Confidence
     The Status Quo: Consumer Confidence Remains Uneasy

  • 21FEB2014 Fighting for its Place:
     MMA, Women’s Bouts Increase in Popularity

  • 03FEB2014 Interest in online gambling is blunted
     while support for marijuana lights up

  • 29JAN2014 Bridgegate Not Business as Usual, Say Voters
     Voters Still Optimistic about State

  • 28JAN2014 Christie’s Sandy Storm Surge of Approval is Over
     A similar trend appears on the question of whether registered voters like or dislike him.

  • 24JAN2014 Your Tax Dollars into NFL Owners’ Pockets?
     Opinion remains consistent — a resounding “no” to tax breaks and public funds

  • 23JAN2014 Football and Kids: A Dangerous Combination?
     Public Says No


  • 19DEC2013 2016 prospects for the White House
     Democrats have a clear leader, GOP does not.

  • 19DEC2013 Birth control funding and abortion policy
     Partisanship, ideology, religiosity divide the electorate

  • 26NOV2013 NJ rolls the dice on online gaming
     despite doubts of a plurality of voters

  • 15NOV2013 New Jerseyans support farming initiatives
     but differ on how to fund them

  • 10NOV2013 PublicMind most accurate re: Governor’s race
     Pollsters compared

  • 04NOV2013 Christie insulated from frustrations with Congress
     but rest of NJ GOP is not immune

  • 02NOV2013 NJ voters poised to raise the minimum wage
     Half of Christie’s supporters oppose the move

  • 01NOV2013 Christie maintains double-digit lead
     Gap is larger still among independent likely voters

  • 23OCT2013 Voters weigh in on challenging sports betting decision
     Majority have heard little or nothing about the issue

  • 15OCT2013 Low turnout likely for Oct. 16 special election
     . . . and likely to help Booker

  • 14OCT2013 Majority of NJ voters not considering candidates’ personal characteristics
     . . . despite media focus on gender, weight, sexual orientation

  • 11OCT2013 Christie up, Obama down
     Comparing approval rating histories of governor, president

  • 08OCT2013 Booker, Christie retain approval
     Gay marriage decision also favored

  • 27SEP2013 New Jersey willing to give local liquor a chance
     … though few are aware of recent change to laws on artisanal spirits

  • 11SEP2013 Value of a college degree
     … and of college sports programs

  • 09SEP2013 Parents, not vouchers, seen as key to educational reform
     Views on increased school funding vary with party affiliation

  • 03SEP2013 NJ veering towards the wrong track
     Is it Governor Christie’s fault

  • 24AUG2013 Christie and Booker fare well in ‘blue’ Jersey
     NJ Repubs like Christie in 2016

  • 15JUL2013 2013 Summer Report on NJ Consumer Confidence
     Expectations are up for most; outlook not so positive for older residents

  • 11JUN2013 NJ voters talk up Atlantic City
     Majorities would recommend it

  • 20JUN2013 Mourning Gandolfini
     NJ looks back on The Sopranos

  • 20JUN2013 No public consensus …
     on lifetime alimony or bond money for religious colleges

  • 18JUN2013 Christie and Booker begin summer campaigns
     Both with good news from voters

  • 12JUN2013 Thinking about Dad on Fathers Day
     Americans want more of him

  • 11JUN2013 Don’t Shush
     Your silence may be used against you

  • 11JUN2013 Voters and Supreme Court both conflicted . . .
     . . . on warrants for blood samples

  • 11JUN2013 Patents for human genes —
     Voters opinions in advance of Supreme Court ruling

  • 10MAY2013 Americans’ opinions about mom for Mothers Day;
     Her role, her looks, her politics

  • 01MAY2013 Beliefs about Sandy Hook cover-up, coming revolution, underlie divide on gun control;
     29% foresee possible armed revolution

  • 30APR2013 Hillary Clinton leads 2016 Democratic hopefuls;
     Republicans lack a clear front-runner

  • 20MAR2013 New Jersey voters support states’ rights in sports wagering case;
     Remain opposed to online gambling

  • 19MAR2013 Do the right thing!
     NJ Voter opinion on Sandy rebuilding

  • 13MAR2013 Booker vs Rivera and the power of cable news
     Obama approval down slightly

  • 12MAR2013 Medicaid expansion receives wide support
     Christie improves his favorables among Democrats

  • 08MAR2013 Random testing of middle school students:
     Effect on drug use measurable years later

  • 07FEB2013 Public says it’s illegal to target Americans abroad
     Some question CIA drone attacks

  • 28JAN2013 2013 Report on NJ Consumer Confidence
     New Jerseyans expect conditions to persist

  • 17JAN2013 Conspiracy theories prosper:
     25% of Americans are “truthers”

  • 16JAN2013 Garden Staters cry foul over proposed plastic bag fee
     Measure is widely panned across a variety of demographic groups

  • 14JAN2013 Garden State residents favor more gun restrictions
     . . . and more proactive mental health measures

  • 10JAN2013 Voters favor Booker over Lautenberg
     Obama receives high marks in 2013

  • 07JAN2013 State gives thumbs up to governor
     Challengers face an uphill battle


  • 19DEC2012 Americans want Federal money for Sandy rebuilding
     … even if doing so drives up the deficit

  • 18DEC2012 Good name recognition among early GOP contenders
     Christie tops the list in favorability

  • 10DEC2012 NJ Voters Support Farm Initiatives
     … including land preservation steps

  • 03DEC2012 NJ Voters Support Right-to-Die Legislation
     … despite not hearing much about it

  • 26NOV2012 The Governor, The President, and Sandy
     Good numbers in the days after the storm

  • 21NOV2012 Assessing Effects of Sandy on the Election
     The dog that didn’t bark

  • 20NOV2012 Storm Response Gets Good Grades
     Approval remains high

  • 09OCT2012 Education Bond on the November Ballot.
     Who Knew?

  • 29SEP2012 Voters split on doggy seat belts in New Jersey
     Bill addresses confusion over current law.

  • 24SEP2012 Public Split Over Tax Breaks in Atlantic City
     Majority Opposes Expansion of Gaming Beyond the Boardwalk

  • 20SEP2012 Menendez?s Commanding Lead Hides Some Discontent
     Approval remains high

  • 17SEP2012 Christie’s RNC Speech Mostly Helps Self
     Approval remains high

  • 14SEP2012 Big Lead for Obama After the Convention
     Unemployment an insignificant factor

  • 27AUG2012 3rd Quarter Report on New Jersey Consumer Confidence
     As Christie waxes, NJ Confidence wanes

  • 21AUG2012 Opinion divided . . .
     . . . but majority give the state the green light to allow sports betting in defiance of federal law

  • 07AUG2012 Majority of New Jerseyans Reject Sales Tax on Internet Purchases
     A majority of all respondents (56%) have heard at least something about . . .

  • 06AUG2012 N.J. drivers continue to roll the dice with safety
     Not surprisingly, those who report frequently driving fast are twice as likely to . . .

  • 02AUG2012 Obama, Menendez, and Booker looking good, but room for Kyrillos to define himself
     Conversely, Senator Menendez receives a higher percentage of unfavorable ratings among . . .

  • 01AUG2012 Christie continues to ride wave of support through his complicated relationship with the public
     As for awareness of Christie?s successor, Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno, the operative question is . . .

  • 11JUN2012 New Jersey More Ethical Than Much of Europe
     The ESS study carried out in Europe shows that young people tend to have . . .

  • 14MAY2012 N.J. Voters Wary of Internet Gambling
     Opposition to Internet betting is widespread even though three of five voters (60%) support . . .

  • 11MAY2012 Booker Note: Favorable Over Unfavorable by 8-to-1
     Even if 33% of Garden State voters haven’t heard of Booker . . .

  • 10MAY2012 Flabby support for Menendez
     Kyrillos remains a blank slate

  • 09MAY2012 Obama and Christie Get Similar Love
     Romney’s Uphill Battle Among Women

  • 08MAY2012 Jersey, Christie, Headed in Right Direction
     A year ago in May, Christie’s “favorables” were . . .

  •  03MAY2012 What you know depends on what you watch: Current events knowledge across popular news sources
     People learn most from NPR, Sunday Morning Shows, ‘The Daily Show’

  • 02APR2012 Nation Sides with New Jersey Motorist Against Court, Automatic Strip Searches
     Democrats and Republicans agree on the case by similar two-to-one margins. But men are . . .

  • 02APR2012 Jersey Admits New York Giants and Jets Just Happen to Play in Jersey
     Giants and Jets fans are more likely than non-fans to say . . .

  • 26MAR2012 Hey, Numb Nuts: Not All Names Are Equal
     Topping the “never acceptable” list are . . .

  • 22MAR2012 Like US Supreme Court, US Voters Split on Bad Legal Advice
     In the national poll, both Democrats and liberals were significantly more likely than other groups to say . . .

  • 20MAR2012 Health Insurance: Can They Or Can’t They?
     Voters Speak Clearly On Question of Mandating Health Insurance

  • 19MAR2012 Menendez Leading Kyrillos for Senate
     But Trails Someone Else

  • 14MAR2012 Women Boost Obama, Pan Republicans
     A majority of voters (53%) say the long, difficult Republican primary contest will . . .

  • 13MAR2012 Christie Approvals Riding High
     State Headed in ?Right Direction?

  • 23FEB2012 Where is the Santorum Surge Coming From?
     The More Conservatives Know, the More They Like Santorum

  • 20FEB2012 Rubio, Santorum, Christie for Vice President
     Newt Gingrich, another active presidential candidate, who . . .

  • 14FEB2012 Santorum Runs Even with Romney
     But Obama Beats Both

  • 23JAN2012 High Court Agrees with Public in US v Jones:
     Electronic Tails Need a Warrant

  • 23JAN2012 Not Much Fuel for Debate
     New Jersey voters don’t want to pump gas

  • 17JAN2012 2012 Report on New Jersey Consumer Intentions
     New Jerseyans are cautiously optimistic

  • 13JAN2012 Obama?s Job Approval Split; Advantage still Menendez
     Some voters are now more optimistic about . . .

  • 11JAN2012 In Contrast to High Court, US Voters Split on Freedom of Churches to Hire and Fire
     A majority of liberals (53-32) as well as a majority of moderates (50-41) say . . .

  • 09JAN2012 Governor?s Approval Still Strong
     Familiar patterns are found underneath the governor?s top line: men . . .

  •  19DEC2012 Americans want Federal money for Sandy rebuilding
     … even if doing so drives up the deficit
  • 18DEC2012 Good name recognition among early GOP contenders
     Christie tops the list in favorability

  • 10DEC2012 NJ Voters Support Farm Initiatives
     … including land preservation steps

  • 03DEC2012 NJ Voters Support Right-to-Die Legislation
     … despite not hearing much about it

  • 26NOV2012 The Governor, The President, and Sandy
     Good numbers in the days after the storm

  • 21NOV2012 Assessing Effects of Sandy on the Election
     The dog that didn’t bark

  • 20NOV2012 Storm Response Gets Good Grades
     Approval remains high

  • 09OCT2012 Education Bond on the November Ballot.
     Who Knew?

  • 29SEP2012 Voters split on doggy seat belts in New Jersey
     Bill addresses confusion over current law.

  • 24SEP2012 Public Split Over Tax Breaks in Atlantic City
     Majority Opposes Expansion of Gaming Beyond the Boardwalk

  • 20SEP2012 Menendez?s Commanding Lead Hides Some Discontent
     Approval remains high

  • 17SEP2012 Christie’s RNC Speech Mostly Helps Self
     Approval remains high

  • 14SEP2012 Big Lead for Obama After the Convention
     Unemployment an insignificant factor

  • 27AUG2012 3rd Quarter Report on New Jersey Consumer Confidence
     As Christie waxes, NJ Confidence wanes

  • 21AUG2012 Opinion divided . . .
     . . . but majority give the state the green light to allow sports betting in defiance of federal law

  • 07AUG2012 Majority of New Jerseyans Reject Sales Tax on Internet Purchases
     A majority of all respondents (56%) have heard at least something about . . .

  • 06AUG2012 N.J. drivers continue to roll the dice with safety
     Not surprisingly, those who report frequently driving fast are twice as likely to . . .

  • 02AUG2012 Obama, Menendez, and Booker looking good, but room for Kyrillos to define himself
     Conversely, Senator Menendez receives a higher percentage of unfavorable ratings among . . .

  • 01AUG2012 Christie continues to ride wave of support through his complicated relationship with the public
     As for awareness of Christie?s successor, Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno, the operative question is . . .

  • 11JUN2012 New Jersey More Ethical Than Much of Europe
     The ESS study carried out in Europe shows that young people tend to have . . .

  • 14MAY2012 N.J. Voters Wary of Internet Gambling
     Opposition to Internet betting is widespread even though three of five voters (60%) support . . .

  • 11MAY2012 Booker Note: Favorable Over Unfavorable by 8-to-1
     Even if 33% of Garden State voters haven’t heard of Booker . . .

  • 10MAY2012 Flabby support for Menendez
     Kyrillos remains a blank slate

  • 09MAY2012 Obama and Christie Get Similar Love
     Romney’s Uphill Battle Among Women

  • 08MAY2012 Jersey, Christie, Headed in Right Direction
     A year ago in May, Christie’s “favorables” were . . .

  •  03MAY2012 What you know depends on what you watch: Current events knowledge across popular news sources
     People learn most from NPR, Sunday Morning Shows, ‘The Daily Show’

  • 02APR2012 Nation Sides with New Jersey Motorist Against Court, Automatic Strip Searches
     Democrats and Republicans agree on the case by similar two-to-one margins. But men are . . .

  • 02APR2012 Jersey Admits New York Giants and Jets Just Happen to Play in Jersey
     Giants and Jets fans are more likely than non-fans to say . . .

  • 26MAR2012 Hey, Numb Nuts: Not All Names Are Equal
     Topping the “never acceptable” list are . . .

  • 22MAR2012 Like US Supreme Court, US Voters Split on Bad Legal Advice
     In the national poll, both Democrats and liberals were significantly more likely than other groups to say . . .

  • 20MAR2012 Health Insurance: Can They Or Can’t They?
     Voters Speak Clearly On Question of Mandating Health Insurance

  • 19MAR2012 Menendez Leading Kyrillos for Senate
     But Trails Someone Else

  • 14MAR2012 Women Boost Obama, Pan Republicans
     A majority of voters (53%) say the long, difficult Republican primary contest will . . .

  • 13MAR2012 Christie Approvals Riding High
     State Headed in ?Right Direction?

  • 23FEB2012 Where is the Santorum Surge Coming From?
     The More Conservatives Know, the More They Like Santorum

  • 20FEB2012 Rubio, Santorum, Christie for Vice President
     Newt Gingrich, another active presidential candidate, who . . .

  • 14FEB2012 Santorum Runs Even with Romney
     But Obama Beats Both

  • 23JAN2012 High Court Agrees with Public in US v Jones:
     Electronic Tails Need a Warrant

  • 23JAN2012 Not Much Fuel for Debate
     New Jersey voters don’t want to pump gas

  • 17JAN2012 2012 Report on New Jersey Consumer Intentions
     New Jerseyans are cautiously optimistic

  • 13JAN2012 Obama?s Job Approval Split; Advantage still Menendez
     Some voters are now more optimistic about . . .

  • 11JAN2012 In Contrast to High Court, US Voters Split on Freedom of Churches to Hire and Fire
     A majority of liberals (53-32) as well as a majority of moderates (50-41) say . . .

  • 09JAN2012 Governor?s Approval Still Strong
     Familiar patterns are found underneath the governor?s top line: men . . .

  • 03JAN2012 Poll Memo: Public Has Consistently Opposed Internet Betting


19DEC2011 A Nation of Bettors?
 They May Follow New Jersey’s Lead into Sports Betting

  • 14DEC2011 Too Soon to think about Vice Presidential Candidates?
     For some . . . but not others.

  • 07DEC2011 Gingrich is New Fave, Voters Approve of Iraq Withdrawal, President Beats All Comers
     In head to head trials, Obama bests . . .

  • 28NOV2011 Part Deux: Many think US is bailing out Greece
     NPR, Jon Stewart Out-Fox Cable News

  • 21NOV2011 Some News Leaves People Knowing Less
     However, the best informed respondents are those that watched . . .

  • 14NOV2011 Garden State Still Prefers Locally Grown
     Despite these gains, fewer New Jerseyans (64%) have ?a lot’ of confidence in . . .

  • 31OCT2011 New Jerseyans Feel Safest in Manhattan
     Men feel safer than women in both . . .

  • 27OCT2011 NJ Says Occupy Wall Street
     Nearly 9 of 10 New Jersey Republicans (88%) say . . .

  • 25OCT2011 New Jersey Headed in Right Direction. Really.
     More immediately, the governor’s popularity does not necessarily . . .

  • 10OCT2011 NJ Voters Favor Sports Betting, but not Tax Credits for Meadowlands Developer
     58% say the state should not be using public money to . . .

  • 03OCT2011 3rd Quarter Report on New Jersey Consumer Attitudes
     New Jerseyans’ Outlook is Grim

  • 29SEP2011 Blue State Pans President
     Seven in ten say country is on ?wrong track.?

  • 27SEP2011 Christie Approvals Bounce Back
     Christie’s favorable ratings are better than those of . . .

  • 15AUG2011 N.J. drivers with long commutes speed and fill travel time with unsafe behaviors
     One of five drivers with long commutes (19%) say that they . . .

  • 08AUG2011 Young N.J. drivers engage in risky behavior
     They are 11 points less likely than others to say that they always . . .

  • 25JUL2011 Thinking of New Jersey? Christie Rates National Mention
     . . . Christie got more mentions than . . .

  • 18JUL2011 TV Reality Show ?Jersey Shore’ Promotes Jersey
     People in the northeastern United States are more likely than people in other regions of the country to . . .

  • 14JUL2011 CIA Interrogation: Torture or Technique?
     Nearly three in four Americans (73%) say harsh interrogation methods can . . .

  • 13JUN2011 N.J. Blames Energy Woes On Big Oil and Congress
     The only significant change in the blame game is that the public is less willing to . . .

  • 11JUN2011 A Christie Presidential Entry Hurts Pawlenty, Bachmann
     Palin’s 11% support comes mostly at the expense of . . .

  • 10JUN2011 Jersey Guy Trails the President: But Then, So Does Everyone Else
     Meanwhile, Christie’s approval back home in New Jersey took a turn for . . .

  • 06JUN2011 U.S. Public Says Regulate Violent Video Games, the Focus of Brown v. Entertainment Merchants
     Men are more likely than women to say the supervision should be . . .

  • 31MAY2011 Menendez/Crowley Matchup
     Part of the gap is accounted for in Republican . . .

  • 26MAY2011 U.S. Public Rejects Interrogation of Minors without Parental Knowledge
     … Even When Domestic Abuse Is Suspected

  • 26MAY2011 Obama Bump
     Among Republicans, Obama’s approval rating . . .

  • 24MAY2011 Garden State Voters Feeling Blue
     The swing in mood from April to May is pronounced among . . .

  • 23MAY2011 U.S. Voters Weigh in on Brown v. Plata, Case Involving Prison Overcrowding
     Finally, white voters by 3-to-1 say the courts can’t . . .

  • 02MAY2011 Las Vegas Is Preferred Casino Destination: Atlantic City Places Third
     Those who pick Atlantic City first or second tend to say its best characteristic is . . .

  • 18APR2011 Odds Favor NJ Referendum on Sports Betting
     Those who say they have a lot of interest in the issue, favor . . .

  • 13APR2011 1st Quarter Report on New Jersey Consumer Attitudes
     New Jerseyans Feel Uneven Economic Recovery; Worry About Inflation

  • 11APR2011 Shared Municipal Services: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?
     Three of four Republicans (76%) say it’s . . .

  • 07APR2011 Obama Campaign Ahead, for the Moment, in New Jersey
     However, his current approval rating is down from a much stronger . . .

  • 06APR2011 Governor’s Approval Is Strong: Can it Translate to Legislative Elections?
     Asked who they prefer to control the state Assembly and Senate after the next election, voters . . .

  • 04APR2011 Public Blesses Arizona Christian School Tuition
     The 5-to-4 ruling sidestepped the issue of establishment altogether by holding that . . .

  • 31MAR2011 Jersey Guy Runs Better Nationally than Other Big Republicans
     Only two Republicans outperform Christie in match-ups with Obama. The president runs even with . . .

  • 21FEB2011 Sports Betting, Sure Thing; Internet Betting, Nyet!
     Folks who already bet on sports in office pools are more likely than other voters to . . .

  • 16FEB2011 N.J. Voters Oppose Takeover of Atlantic City Tourism District
     Voters are more optimistic about the direction of . . .

  • 24JAN2011 Monday Blues: Optimism for the Short Term; Pessimism for the Long Run
     Political identification matters too: Democrats are . . .

  • 20JAN2011 2011 Report on New Jersey Consumer Intentions
     A slow-growing economy keeps New Jerseyans guarded about 2011 prospects

  • 17JAN2011 Obama and Menendez Ahead in New Jersey
     The president is ahead on his ratings even though . . .

  • 11JAN2011 Christie Approval Ratings Strong at End of Inaugural Year
     Three of five voters (62%) continue to say the state should hold the line on . . .

  • 19DEC2011 A Nation of Bettors?
     They May Follow New Jersey’s Lead into Sports Betting

  • 14DEC2011 Too Soon to think about Vice Presidential Candidates?
     For some . . . but not others.

  • 07DEC2011 Gingrich is New Fave, Voters Approve of Iraq Withdrawal, President Beats All Comers
     In head to head trials, Obama bests . . .

  • 28NOV2011 Part Deux: Many think US is bailing out Greece
     NPR, Jon Stewart Out-Fox Cable News

  • 21NOV2011 Some News Leaves People Knowing Less
     However, the best informed respondents are those that watched . . .

  • 14NOV2011 Garden State Still Prefers Locally Grown
     Despite these gains, fewer New Jerseyans (64%) have ?a lot’ of confidence in . . .

  • 31OCT2011 New Jerseyans Feel Safest in Manhattan
     Men feel safer than women in both . . .

  • 27OCT2011 NJ Says Occupy Wall Street
     Nearly 9 of 10 New Jersey Republicans (88%) say . . .

  • 25OCT2011 New Jersey Headed in Right Direction. Really.
     More immediately, the governor’s popularity does not necessarily . . .

  • 10OCT2011 NJ Voters Favor Sports Betting, but not Tax Credits for Meadowlands Developer
     58% say the state should not be using public money to . . .

  • 03OCT2011 3rd Quarter Report on New Jersey Consumer Attitudes
     New Jerseyans’ Outlook is Grim

  • 29SEP2011 Blue State Pans President
     Seven in ten say country is on ?wrong track.?

  • 27SEP2011 Christie Approvals Bounce Back
     Christie’s favorable ratings are better than those of . . .

  • 15AUG2011 N.J. drivers with long commutes speed and fill travel time with unsafe behaviors
     One of five drivers with long commutes (19%) say that they . . .

  • 08AUG2011 Young N.J. drivers engage in risky behavior
     They are 11 points less likely than others to say that they always . . .

  • 25JUL2011 Thinking of New Jersey? Christie Rates National Mention
     . . . Christie got more mentions than . . .

  • 18JUL2011 TV Reality Show ?Jersey Shore’ Promotes Jersey
     People in the northeastern United States are more likely than people in other regions of the country to . . .

  • 14JUL2011 CIA Interrogation: Torture or Technique?
     Nearly three in four Americans (73%) say harsh interrogation methods can . . .

  • 13JUN2011 N.J. Blames Energy Woes On Big Oil and Congress
     The only significant change in the blame game is that the public is less willing to . . .

  • 11JUN2011 A Christie Presidential Entry Hurts Pawlenty, Bachmann
     Palin’s 11% support comes mostly at the expense of . . .
  • 10JUN2011 Jersey Guy Trails the President: But Then, So Does Everyone Else
     Meanwhile, Christie’s approval back home in New Jersey took a turn for . . .

  • 06JUN2011 U.S. Public Says Regulate Violent Video Games, the Focus of Brown v. Entertainment Merchants
     Men are more likely than women to say the supervision should be . . .

  • 31MAY2011 Menendez/Crowley Matchup
     Part of the gap is accounted for in Republican . . .

  • 26MAY2011 U.S. Public Rejects Interrogation of Minors without Parental Knowledge
     … Even When Domestic Abuse Is Suspected

  • 26MAY2011 Obama Bump
     Among Republicans, Obama’s approval rating . . .

  • 24MAY2011 Garden State Voters Feeling Blue
     The swing in mood from April to May is pronounced among . . .

  • 23MAY2011 U.S. Voters Weigh in on Brown v. Plata, Case Involving Prison Overcrowding
     Finally, white voters by 3-to-1 say the courts can’t . . .

  • 02MAY2011 Las Vegas Is Preferred Casino Destination: Atlantic City Places Third
     Those who pick Atlantic City first or second tend to say its best characteristic is . . .

  • 18APR2011 Odds Favor NJ Referendum on Sports Betting
     Those who say they have a lot of interest in the issue, favor . . .

  • 13APR2011 1st Quarter Report on New Jersey Consumer Attitudes
     New Jerseyans Feel Uneven Economic Recovery; Worry About Inflation

  • 11APR2011 Shared Municipal Services: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?
     Three of four Republicans (76%) say it’s . . .

  • 07APR2011 Obama Campaign Ahead, for the Moment, in New Jersey
     However, his current approval rating is down from a much stronger . . .

  • 06APR2011 Governor’s Approval Is Strong: Can it Translate to Legislative Elections?
     Asked who they prefer to control the state Assembly and Senate after the next election, voters . . .

  • 04APR2011 Public Blesses Arizona Christian School Tuition
     The 5-to-4 ruling sidestepped the issue of establishment altogether by holding that . . .

  • 31MAR2011 Jersey Guy Runs Better Nationally than Other Big Republicans
     Only two Republicans outperform Christie in match-ups with Obama. The president runs even with . . .

  • 21FEB2011 Sports Betting, Sure Thing; Internet Betting, Nyet!
     Folks who already bet on sports in office pools are more likely than other voters to . . .

  • 16FEB2011 N.J. Voters Oppose Takeover of Atlantic City Tourism District
     Voters are more optimistic about the direction of . . .

  • 24JAN2011 Monday Blues: Optimism for the Short Term; Pessimism for the Long Run
     Political identification matters too: Democrats are . . .

  • 20JAN2011 2011 Report on New Jersey Consumer Intentions
     A slow-growing economy keeps New Jerseyans guarded about 2011 prospects

  • 17JAN2011 Obama and Menendez Ahead in New Jersey
     The president is ahead on his ratings even though . . .

  • 11JAN2011 Christie Approval Ratings Strong at End of Inaugural Year
     Three of five voters (62%) continue to say the state should hold the line on . . .


  • 20DEC2010 Regifting Commonplace in the Garden State
     The majority of regifters (60%) say they do it primarily because the gift is . . .

  • 13DEC2010 Putting the Garden in the Garden State
     More than four in five (83%) say they or their family members have purchased . . .

  • 29NOV2010 Sen. Menendez Enters New Election Cycle
     Among Democrats, 17% say they don’t recognize . . .

  • 24NOV2010 United Way of Morris County and Fairleigh Dickinson University Find ALICE Population is Still Struggling
     (United Way of Morristown press release)

  • 23NOV2010 Christie Running Stronger than NJEA
     Three of five voters (60%) continue to say the state should hold the line on . . .

  • 15NOV2010 Bear Necessity? Public Approves of Bear Hunt
     Voters in the most rural parts of the Garden State are more likely to . . .

  • 29OCT2010 Carney leads Urquhart by 17
     Meanwhile, Urquhart, like his Republican counterpart running for U.S. Senate, does well among . . .

  • 28OCT2010 O’Donnell Winning Tea Party, Losing Delaware
     And just two of three voters (66%) who describe themselves as “conservative” say . . .

  • 19OCT2010 Jersey Drivers Say Teens Should Practice More
     In addition, nearly four of five New Jersey drivers (78%) support requiring a parent-teen . . .

  • 18OCT2010 3rd Quarter Report on NJ Consumers
     The economy is slow and New Jerseyans know it!

  • 14OCT2010 Obama Approval and Democrats are Down
     Asked which party they prefer to control the U.S. Congress after the upcoming elections, voters choose . . .

  • 12OCT2010 Voters in Budget-Cutting Mood Approve of Christie
     Approval of the governor does not run to all corners: Voters from . . .

  • 06OCT2010 Fallen Castle Beats Coons: But Coons Leading Triumphant O’Donnell
     In a hypothetical matchup between Coons and Castle, Castle coasts . . .

  • 05OCT2010 Delaware Republicans Losing House Seat
     But it is Beau Biden who wins . . .

  • 05AUG2010 Public Reaction Mixed to Proposals for A.C., Meadowlands, Racetracks
     A similar majority (55%) say it’s a good idea to privatize . . .

  • 04AUG2010 Voters Still Say Hold the Line on Spending
     Agreeing even more strongly on holding down spending are . . .

  • 19JUL2010 Jersey Drivers Text More; Say New Yorkers Are Worse
     While texting behind the wheel is on the rise, the use of hand-held phones while driving in the Garden State is . . .

  • 14JUN2010 Expansion of Slots Favored in N.J.
     Voters differ in their opinions by age as well. Those 18 to 44 favor . . .

  • 07JUN2010 Primary Election Elite
     Most voters (48%) thought the next time would be . . .

  • 01JUN2010 Like Governor’s, NJEA’s rating slips
     While the governor is well-known to New Jersey voters, two other key players in the education budget battles are not.

  • 27MAY2010 President’s Approval Slides in NJ
     . . . voters’ assessment of the direction in which the country is moving is now identical to their view just before . . .

  • 25MAY2010 Voters Split on Christie, But Not on His Proposals
     By a two-to-one margin (64%-31%) voters say it’s a good idea to ask school teachers not to . . .

  • 13MAY2010 PublicMind Methodology: “Polling a Third Party Challenger”
     PublicMind Executive Director Peter Woolley with Mark Blumenthal of Pollster.com at the annual meeting of the American Association of Public Opinion Researchers.

  • 05APR2010 1st Quarter Report on New Jersey Consumer Perception
     Job Worries, Credit-Card Difficulties Continue

  • 31MAR2010 N.J. Voters Disapprove of Revel Bailout
     . . . 62% of Garden State voters say they’ve heard nothing at all about New Jersey providing up to $350 million . . .

  • 30MAR2010 Christie’s Approval Slips But Voters Still Say Cut Spending, Cap Property Tax Increases
     Asked about suspending property tax rebates to help balance the budget, 44% say . . .

  • 22MAR2010 AC and Sports Betting: Perfect Together?
     New Jerseyans favor making sports betting legal at . . .

  • 11MAR2010 Public: Keep Las Vegas in Las Vegas
     More than half (54%) would oppose bringing any form of gambling . . .

  • 09MAR2010 Public Says Televising Court Is Good for Democracy
     Liberals are significantly more likely than conservatives to think televising . . .

  • 04MAR2010 Health Care Hangs Over Democrats: Kean Runs Even With Menendez
     The question of reform fares better when voters are asked whether . . .

  • 03MAR2010 Public Backs Governor, Pension Reforms
     . . . 78% of voters agree that all public employees, including teachers, should . . .

  • 22FEB2010 ‘Jersey Shore’ Helps Perceptions of Garden State
     Three of five (59%) of respondents who have seen the show have . . .

  • 19JAN2010 Lou Dobbs Runs Hot and Cold
     However, the pol with the strongest numbers may be . . .

  • 18JAN2010 2010 Report on New Jersey Consumer Intentions
     High Expectations Despite Harsh Reality

  • 14JAN2010 New Jerseyans Skeptical of Health Care Reform
     Overall, just a third of New Jersey voters (34%) say they’d advise their . . .

  • 12JAN2010 Corzine Leaves an Era of Bad Feeling
     As Corzine exits, four of five voters (79%) say they’ve heard the term . . .


  • 07DEC2009 Back-Seat Bullets
     If any surprising difference emerged, it was between those who know . . .

  • 16NOV2009 N.J. Voters Underestimate State’s Open Space
     Republicans are significantly more likely than Democrats (54%-29%) to say they are . . .

  • 02NOV2009 New Jersey’s Blue Voters
     Nonetheless, more than half of voters (56%) say they think Corzine . . .

  • 02NOV2009 Some Garden Staters Vote by Mail
     Voters under 30 years of age were more likely than older voters to say they were . . .

  • 30OCT2009 Tight N.J. Governor’s Race in Final Days
     More than half of voters (55%) say they think Corzine will . . .

  • 12OCT2009 Third-Quarter Report on New Jersey Consumer Views
     Consumers’ expectations are flat amid increasing unemployment.

  • 09OCT2009 Corzine Gains Among Obama Supporters
     33% of Garden State voters say that they will personally be better off if the reforms …

  • 08OCT2009 New Jerseyans Not Worried About H1N1
     Already 1 in 5 New Jerseyans (20%) say they’ve had their regular, seasonal flu shot, but …

  • 07OCT2009 Open Space Catches On, But Not Vote-by-Mail
     Nine-in-ten (89%) who say they’ve received an application for a mail-in ballot say …

  • 06OCT2009 Corzine Catches Up
     Corzine has all but caught up to Christie (34%-36%) on the question of …

  • 01OCT2009 Debatable Whether Voters Watch Debates
     . . . only about 1 in 20, or 6%, of New Jersey likely voters know that the first …

  • 03SEP2009 Health Care Helps Republicans in New Jersey
     For the first time in Obama’s Presidency, as many, if not more, New Jersey voters say …

  • 01SEP2009 Christie Leads Corzine 47%-42%
     Among all voters, 37% say their view of Corzine is …

  • 12AUG2009 McGreevey’s Resignation Five Years Later
     He’s Gone But Not Forgotten

  • 16JUL2009 N.J. Drivers Behaving Badly, but still say they’re better than N.Y.
     Drivers who go over 65 mph “most of the time” or “often” are also more . . .

  • 06JUL2009 Second Quarter Report on New Jersey Consumer Views
     Job Worries Continue

  • 01JUL2009 Voters say N.J. on Wrong Track, Christie Leads Incumbent
     Among all voters, 54% say their view of Corzine is . . .

  • 01JUN2009 Divided Republicans Head into Primary
     At the state level, Republicans agree overwhelmingly on just one thing . . .

  • 20APR2009 Legalized Sports Betting in New Jersey
     By a similar margin of 63 percent to 30 percent, voters also say they would favor . . .

  • 13APR2009 1st Quarter Report on New Jersey Consumer Views
     Worried About Their Jobs, Consumers Shore Up Savings

  • 09APR2009 Jersey Hates AIG Too
     Even those who approve of the president’s handling of his job split 44%-42% on their approval of . . .

  • 07APR2009 Budget Batters Corzine: Still Behind Christie
     Los republicanos y demócratas concuerdan en que es una mala idea . . .

  • 07APR2009 Presupuesto golpea a Corzine: Continúa detrás de Christie
     Republicans and Democrats agree it’s a bad idea to reduce . . .

  • 16MAR2009 Expand Casino Gambling Beyond Atlantic City?
     Voter opinion does not differ even between those . . .

  • 13MAR2009 Mt. Laurel, COAH, and the Race for Governor
     Democrats who approve of Mt. Laurel prefer . . .

  • 06MAR2009 Obama or Rush? Rush or Obama?
     But New Jerseyans are skeptical that their own state lawmakers will . . .

  • 04MAR2009 Corzine, Like Economy, Lags in New Jersey
     The governor bests other Republican contenders though not necessarily . . .

  • 28JAN2009 Ban Smoking in New Jersey Casinos?
     Three in five (59%) of those who earn over $150,000 favor . . .

  • 16JAN2009 2009 Report on New Jersey Consumer Intentions
     Consumers retreated in 2008 but won’t surrender in 2009

  • 15JAN2009 New Day Dawning: Strong Approval for President-Elect
     The 43rd president’s popularity was strongly associated with the public’s perception of . . .

  • 09JAN2009 For the Moment, Advantage Corzine
     The governor’s actual and potential rivals in the Republican Party all suffer from . . .


  • 26NOV2008 One Course of Thanksgiving History
     And different age groups scored differently: 31% over the age of 45 . . .

  • 17NOV2008 2 in 5 Don’t Know Why It’s “The Garden State”
     Most pronounced are regional differences: 73% of voters in . . .

  • 03NOV2008 Ballot Confusion
     . . . voters react very differently when the question is . . .

  • 31OCT2008 Obama Expands Lead in New Jersey
     McCain runs even with Obama among . . .

  • 30OCT2008 Lautenberg in Comfortable Lead
     Voters in general are hardly enthusiastic about . . .

  • 13OCT2008 Third Quarter Report on New Jersey Consumer Views
     Half of respondents (51%) report that the crisis in the financial markets has . . . .

  • 09OCT2008 Toll Hike Proposal and Opposition Are Familiar
     Something else that has not changed is the percent of voters who say the state . . . .

  • 08OCT2008 Shush! …There’s a Senate Race Going on in NJ
     While the senator’s favorable to unfavorable ratio is just . . . .

  • 07OCT2008 McCain Gives Back Gains in New Jersey
     Those saying Palin is a good choice for vice-president . . . .

  • 25SEP2008 Another Democratic Year in Delaware
     In an unusual election, where incumbent Senator Joe Biden weighs in for vice-president as well as senator, he . . . .

  • 24SEP2008 Alaskans Support Palin but Concede Biden’s Strengths
     While 70% of First Staters disapprove of the way President Bush is handling his job, a majority of Alaskans . . . .

  • 23SEP2008 Democrats Lead Long-time Republican Incumbents in Alaska
     Just three in five Republicans say if the election were held today they would . . . .

  • 15SEP2008 New Jersey Residents Say Leave the Drinking Age at 21
     One group was told that university presidents suggested lowering the drinking age. . . .

  • Politickernj has a slideshow of “possible candidates for Governor and Lt. Governor in 2009,” with favorability ratings based on PublicMind research.

  • 11SEP2008 Corzine Ratings Drift Sideways; Views of State Drift Down
     Just 31% of New Jersey voters say the governor is doing . . .

  • 10SEP2008 Zimmer Trails Lautenberg Quietly
     But a third of Republicans (35%) say they haven’t heard of . . .

  • 09SEP2008 McCain and Palin Bounce in New Jersey
     Opinions of how well the military effort is going have improved despite . . .

  • 22JUL2008 New Jerseyans go fast, multi-task, but say NY drivers are worse
     Jerseyans don’t think that they’ll be ticketed for . . .

  • 02JUL2008 2nd-quarter Report on New Jersey Consumer Views
     The youngest workers (18-30) and the oldest (60+) are least likely to . . .

  • 27JUN2008 Bush, War Help Obama to Big Lead in NJ
     For the first time the poll finds there is not a majority of Republican voters who . . .

  • 26JUN2008 Lautenberg Looms Large Over Zimmer
     Asked who they might prefer at this early point, 45% of registered voters say . . .

  • 25JUN2008 Voters unfamiliar with Abbott and Mount Laurel
     Those same voters remain pessimistic about the direction of the state: 64% say . . .

  • On April 22nd, in an event co-sponsored by PublicMind, three candidates for U.S. Senate debated at the FDU College at Florham. Please see the event flyer for complete information. Video highlights from the event are available for download.

  • 07APR2008 Jerseyans Say They’re Worse Off
     1st Quarter Report on New Jersey Consumer Views . . .

  • 03APR2008 Democrats split on nomination fight, Corzine’s role
     If the nomination is decided by Democratic superdelegates, 62% of Democrats . . .

  • 02APR2008 Don’t Know the Republican Senate Nominee
     The candidates do little better among Republicans: 29% say they’ve heard of . . .

  • 01APR2008 Voters hang tough on idea of budget cuts
     Half of Democrats (50%) prefer some increase in . . .

  • 29FEB2008 New Jersey Republican Candidates Unknown
     New Jersey’s other U.S. Senator, Bob Menendez, who is not up for reelection until 2012, continues . . .

  • 27FEB2008 No Electability Advantage for Obama in New Jersey
     Even among women, a group that would be expected to support Clinton more strongly than Obama, . . .

  • 25FEB2008 Voters Say Cut Spending
     Those who use the New Jersey Turnpike or Garden State Parkway to commute to work are more likely . . .

  • 30JAN2008 Governor’s Toll Proposal A Drag
     Meanwhile, large majorities of Republicans (73%) and independents (71%) also say . . .

  • 28JAN2008 State of the Union? On the Wrong Track
     Over the past two years, Republicans have typically split . . .

  • 23JAN2008 Hillary Clinton: The most likely and unlikely choice among New Jersey voters but youth and women among her biggest supporters
     The survey also suggests that the support Obama garnered in other states from youth is . . .

  • 22JAN2008 Toll Plan Puts Public Opinion on Wrong Track
     Among those who use the Turnpike or Parkway to commute to work, 32% rate the governor’s . . .

  • 16JAN2008 2008 Report on New Jersey Consumer Intentions
     Nearly half (47%) of those with annual household incomes of $150,000 or more say . . .

  • 09JAN2008 PublicMind Executive Director Peter Woolley in an interview about the New Hampshire primary results

  • 07JAN2008 Public Hasn’t Taken a Toll on Corzine — yet.
     While the public has still not had the opportunity to learn the details of the governor’s plan, half of voters (50%) say . . .


  • 27NOV2007 Clean Election Districts are Different
     Only 14% of voters statewide and 19% of voters in the Clean Elections districts said they can trust . . .

  • 16NOV2007 Agri-tourism Grows in Garden State
     According to a recent survey by Fairleigh Dickinson University, 57% say Jersey fruits and vegetables are . . .

  • 02NOV2007 Iraq Looms Over NJ Presidential Primary
     Arizona Senator John McCain and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney have . . .

  • 01NOV2007 Questions for Discussion . . .
     Those who approve of the president disapprove of . . .

  • 30OCT2007 Disgruntled Voters Stick with Party
     Fewer than a third of voters have a favorable opinion of . . .

  • http://publicmind.fdu.edu/images/delogo70.gifL O O K I N G A T D E L A W A R E
     17OCT2007 Don’t Place Your Bet Just Yet
     Men split on the question (45%-45%) while women . . .

  • 15OCT2007 Minner’s Approval is Split
     The governor also comes out on the short side of . . .

  • 12OCT2007 Biden, Bush remain down in Delaware
     Biden continues to be seen very favorably in his home state, with 57% of Delaware voters holding a positive view of him, but . . .

  • 08OCT2007 Hunting Bear or Barely Hunting?
     Results vary little by geography except in the state’s . . .

  • 01OCT2007 Something New Jerseyans agree on? . . . Naaaah.
     Results are similar to a June 2007 survey taken of registered voters, but very different from . . .

  • 28SEP2007 War makes race tighter for Democrats in New Jersey
     Reminding Democrats of the war significantly decreases support for . . .

  • 27SEP2007 An occasional… Booker Note
     But that’s down from the good ol’ days when . . .

  • 24SEP2007 Carla Who?
     Asked whether they’re inclined to vote for Democrats or Republicans in the upcoming legislative elections, voters stick . . .

  • 20AUG2007 PublicMind Executive Director Peter Woolley compares 2008 to past election years that have led to third party presidential candidates.

  • 27JUN2007 New Jersey Drivers are Above Average… sort of
     A majority of New Jersey drivers (55%) point their finger at . . .

  • 13JUN2007 New Jersey: polluted, yes, but we like it!
     As for whether the state has more or fewer dishonest politicians, Jersey voters . . .

  • 11JUN2007 War Drags Clinton, Boosts Rudy
     The survey also suggests that at this early stage, independent voters who have a preference are leaning to . . .

  • 06JUN2007 New Jersey and Nation in Tune with The Sopranos
     New Jersey watchers are a little more tolerant of the show’s . . .

  • 05JUN2007 Corzine Strong for Primary Day
     Only 14% of voters rate the governor’s job performance as . . .

  • 09MAY2007 No Surge for President Bush
     Two-thirds of voters (65%) disapprove of the President’s . . .

  • 08MAY2007 Corzine’s Public Standing Unhurt
     However, no progress has been made in changing the public’s view of . . .

  • 08MAR2007 Race and Gender Complicate Democratic Field
     Results show that priming respondents to think about either race or gender led to . . .

  • 07MAR2007 Drug, alcohol use lower in strong families
     Having both parents present in the home was not associated with . . .

  • 07MAR2007 NJ Voters Skeptical of Lottery and Turnpike Leases: Expect property taxes to continue climbing
     As always, the main cause of high taxes in the public’s view is . . .

  • 05MAR2007 Delaware Drivers Are Above Average: Jersey drivers are the worst
     New Jersey takes the prize with 45% of Delawareans pointing at them . . .

  • 01MAR2007 Biden Trails Early in Home State
     Voters are more optimistic about his chances of getting . . .

  • 28FEB2007 Minner, yes. Lease the Turnpike: no.
     Many of Delaware’s other statewide elected officials also enjoy . . .

  • 22JAN2007 2007 Report on New Jersey Consumer Intentions
     Two out of three respondents who say they’ll be worse off financially next year also say . . .

  • 11JAN2007 Garden State Primary Showdown: Giuliani v. McCain and Clinton v. Obama
     Also among the candidates who will not be pleased . . .

  • 10JAN2007 NJ Voters Maintain Dim View of President
     The president’s low marks in New Jersey reflect the national . . .

  • 08JAN2007 Governor maintains ratings, while state is still on the wrong track
     By comparison, newly elected U.S. Senator Bob Menendez has just . . .


  • 15NOV2006 Bear Necessity or Not?
     And while a majority of both Republicans and Democrats agree with the bear hunt as a remedy, Republicans . . .

  • 13NOV2006 Voters disapprove of eminent domain use
     Voters’ support of the use of eminent domain power is highly contingent on . . .

  • 03NOV2006 Backlash Issues Don’t Sting Menendez
     Polarization on this issue does not work against . . .

  • 02NOV2006 Negative campaign boosts Menendez’s lead
     Voters are also more likely to say now that neither candidate is . . .

  • 01NOV2006 Iraq weighs heavily on New Jersey voters
     Only one in four likely voters rate the President’s job performance as . . .

  • 31OCT2006 Carper continues to hold big lead
     Much of Ting’s support comes from the minority of voters (30%) who say . . .

  • 30OCT2006 Voters say Delaware is on the right track
     However, Minner does much better among . . .

  • 27OCT2006 Castle holds big lead despite Bush, Iraq
     Despite his vulnerability on national issues, Castle retains a large advantage in . . .

  • 25OCT2006 Attorney General race is tight
     Wharton also does better than Biden among . . .

  • 17OCT2006 Trusting the system: Democrats vs Republicans
     Democrats and Republicans differed most over the part of the criminal justice system that garnered the least trust among all . . .

  • 06OCT2006 Governor in good light
     Among those voters who are undecided in the Senate race between Bob Menendez and Tom Kean, a majority think . . .

  • 05OCT2006 Menendez Leads; though doubts linger
     In these questions, 36% of voters – including 23% of Democrats – expressed some reservations about . . .

  • 04OCT2006 President Getting mid-term bust, not boost
     Voters seem to hold President Bush responsible for the direction of the country as 70% rate his . . .

  • 26SEP2006 Delaware headed in right direction: Castle wins popularity contest
     A majority (54%) of Delaware voters also approve of . . .

  • 25SEP2006 Castle has commanding lead in House race
     Spivak’s campaign has been unable so far to capitalize on . . .

  • 21SEP2006 Carper holds big lead despite Iraq problems
     The survey reveals some dissatisfaction among Delaware voters with Carper over . . .

  • 01SEP2006 Booker note
     Almost two-thirds (65%) of those who know Booker say they have . . .

  • 31AUG2006 A dull crowd?
     Women were more likely than men (39-30%) to say they’d be going . . .

  • 31AUG2006 Corzine shakes off sales tax
     As for the hubbub over the sales tax, 57% say the increased sales tax . . .

  • 30AUG2006 New Jersey Senate race hinges on Iraq
     Among those respondents who were asked about Bush and Iraq first, Menendez . . .

  • 29AUG2006 Dog days of summer for Bush ratings
     As for Iraq, a majority of Republicans (57%) say the U.S. military effort in Iraq is going “fairly well” or “very well,” but . . .

  • 24JUL2006 Blacks and whites differ on trust in state’s criminal justice system
     Even the fairness of the jury system is subject to different perceptions: 77% of whites . . .

  • 20JUL2006 National issues drag Kean
     When respondents were not primed to think about President Bush and the military action in Iraq, Kean . . .

  • 19JUL2006 Heroes and villains: sharp differences of opinion
     And in a dramatic turnaround, 57% of Garden State voters say raising the sales tax is . . .

  • 18JUL2006 President posts worst marks ever for Garden State
     A gender gap in perception looms large on national questions as just 18% of women say . . .

  • 15JUN2006 New Jersey seniors gamble away
     For New Jersey seniors with some form of gambling problem, the average amount of money spent per year in casinos is more than three times . . .

  • 14APR2006 James and Booker are complementary images
     While only a third of voters statewide say they’ve heard of . . .

  • 10APR2006 Not just a store: a political question
     A majority (56%) of Republican voters conclude that Wal-Mart is . . .

  • 06APR2006 Kean rallies Republicans
     Kean’s name recognition crept up 10 points over the last month to . . .

  • 04APR2006 2006 survey on budget proposals
     On the other hand, agreement is nearly universal about cutting . . .

  • 15MAR2006 Criticizing the courts
     While 40% say federal courts legislating from the bench is a very serious problem, just 33% say . . .

  • 13MAR2006 Danish cartoon controversy cuts by gender and race
     Republicans are somewhat more likely than Democrats (49-40%) to say that the cartoons should be . . .

  • 09MAR2006 Menendez gains
     Kean’s name recognition and favorable ratings have not moved since . . .

  • 08MAR2006 President tanks; Governor has good will heading into budget season
     New Jersey voters are not happy about the direction of their state, but they are not . . .

  • 19JAN2006 2006 Report on New Jersey Consumer Intentions
     Conversely, about 30% of respondents indicate that they are likely to experience a . . .

  • 16JAN2006 Kean and Menendez Make Gains
     Half of the 60% who say they’ve heard of Bob Menendez also say . . .

  • 14JAN2006 Nation still on the Wrong Track say Garden State Voters
     Just a third (34%) rate the President’s performance as . . .

  • 13JAN2006 Gas Tax is a Slow Starter
     A quarter of Democrats say the state needs to . . .

  • 12JAN2006 Corzine Has Tough Acts to Follow
     Codey’s popularity is not enough to displace . . .


  • November 29, 2005 Garden Staters Suffer from Donor Fatigue
    When asked to recall the natural disasters of the past year, New Jerseyans are far more . . .

  • November 22, 2005 Codey a Tough Act
    Even after growing public discussion of the question of whom to appoint to succeed Corzine . . .

  • November 21, 2005 The Well-Kept Secret of Clean Elections (Joint release by FDU PublicMind and Eagleton Center for Public Interest Polling at Rutgers University)
    . . .a majority of voters say they are very concerned that people who give money to campaigns also influence . . .

  • November 16, 2005 Jersey voter turnout high at farmers’ markets
    A majority (55%) of likely voters say that the state should be required to prove . . .

  • November 6, 2005 Decidedly Hard to Decide
    PublicMind cannot say that undecided voters are breaking decisively for . . .

  • November 4, 2005 Race within the Race
    Favorable ratings of both candidates continue to decline slowly. The percentage of voters who . . .

  • November 1, 2005 Keep the Champagne Corked
    Male voters continue to favor Forrester (48-39%), but by a slightly . . .

  • October 31, 2005 The Better Contest
    Likely voters who are still undecided as to which candidate for New Jersey Governor to vote for are about . . .

  • October 28, 2005 Campaign Stalemate
    Despite leading 34%-23% in early October on the question of who is better able to do something about . . .

  • October 17, 2005 Driving and Talking? Go get ’em!
    . . . about the same percentage who say they rarely or never do it themselves — approve of the . . .

  • October 14, 2005 Likely Voters Attentive to Eminent Domain
    Of the four scenarios tested, the only use of eminent domain a majority (54%) of likely voters accepts is . . .

  • October 13, 2005 Do Race and Gender on the Court Matter?
    Men and women, Republicans and Democrats, white voters and non-white voters have different opinions on . . .

  • October 11, 2005 Corzine Maintains but Forrester Gains
    Forrester has pulled ahead of Corzine on the question of who can better deal with the problem of . . .

  • October 10, 2005 Likely Voters Following Race for Governor More Closely Than Baseball Races!
    The Garden State’s likely voters also say that which candidate for governor is elected makes . . .

  • September 30, 2005 Update on the Shadow Race
    Even among Democratic voters the big winner with 37% is . . .

  • September 29, 2005 Garden State Voters Worry
    Two-thirds (66%) of likely voters say the country is on the . . .

  • September 27, 2005 No Traction for Challengers
    Asked which candidate has the background and experience to be a good governor, less than half . . .

  • July 25, 2005 The Other Statewide Race (for New Jersey’s Senate Seat)
    When likely voters are asked who they would prefer be appointed to that seat, 39% respond they . . .

  • July 22, 2005 And now for the Issues…
    Corzine racks up a lead of 56% to 24% among those who describe themselves as . . .

  • July 21, 2005 Corzine Leads; Codey Wins
    When those who are unsure are pushed to make a choice between these two candidates, three out of five . . .

  • July 20, 2005 Bush Withering in Garden State
    A large majority (63%) of women say going into Iraq was a mistake but men . . .

  • April 18, 2005 Secret Convention
    Voters who have heard more about the convention notion are also more likely to say that it’s . . .

  • April 15, 2005 Rational Voters
    A large majority of Democrats (76%) say it’s a good idea to increase the . . .

  • April 14, 2005 INVISIBLE MEN: The Sequel
    Another five declared candidates for the Republican nomination have name recognition ranging from just . . .

  • April 13, 2005 The Honeymoon is Over
    Still, the Governor’s favorable-to-unfavorable ratio (2:1) continues to outpace that of . . .

  • April 12, 2005 Elections in Iraq Don’t Help President in Garden State
    A majority of 59% rate his performance as “only . . .

  • February 3, 2005 2005 Report on Consumer Intentions
    . . . respondents who identify themselves as Republicans are more likely than other partisans to be . . .

  • January 27, 2005 Kean was Best Governor, but Worst is Up for Grabs
    McGreevey and Whitman maintained that tie among both men and women. The difference was in . . .

  • January 14, 2005 New Jersey is Not Clued into Constitutional Convention
    Self-described liberals are only a little more likely than others to say . . .

  • January 13, 2005 Invisible Men
    Doug Forrester and Bret Schundler, who have both run and lost for statewide office before, are . . .

  • January 12, 2005 President will not Honeymoon in Garden State
    Even in the nine counties Bush won in November, voters are split 50-50 . . .

  • January 10, 2005 “Richard Who?” Weighs in as Underdog
    48% of those who report they have heard of the Acting Governor say they have . . .


  • November 15, 2004 New Jersey supports farming the Garden State
    Large majorities support farmers on a range of issues including wildlife . . .

  • November 1, 2004 No Surprise from Late Deciders
    While the results suggest that President Bush is not getting . . .

  • October 29, 2004 Kerry Holds Garden State Lead: 47-40
    Two-thirds (68%) continue to say that Kerry will take the . . .

  • October 22, 2004 Bush Visit to Garden State Doesn’t Help
    A majority of New Jersey’s likely voters agree that Kerry is . . .

  • October 15, 2004 Bush gains in Garden State
    A majority (54%) of New Jersey’s likely voters continue to say the country . . .

  • October 12, 2004 Kerry Maintains Garden State Lead
    Before the debates, two-thirds (66%) of New Jersey’s likely voters thought that Bush . . .

  • October 7, 2004 Garden State Tilts D: Kerry Gains on National Security
    Among those who say national security is the most important issue, 56% say . . .

  • October 4, 2004 The Boss Doesn’t Rock the Vote: Tony Soprano Leans Republican
    Among those who think the most important quality in a presidential candidate is “being a strong leader,” 44% think Soprano would . . .

  • October 1, 2004 Richard Who?
    Fully 59% of the state’s likely voters say they have never heard of . . .

  • September 29, 2004 Bush/Kerry in New Jersey Remains Close
    Asked which issue is most important in deciding their vote, a plurality (42%) choose . . .

  • August 16, 2004 Special Election? Republicans, Independents… yes; Democrats… no.
    Voters are divided on the question of when Governor McGreevey’s resignation should become effective — and they are . . .

  • August 2, 2004 Confidence in Homeland Security Declines
    For the first time since Fairleigh Dickinson University began posing the question, less than half of voters . . .

  • July 29, 2004 Governor’s Ratings Improve
    When voters are asked whether or not “honest, trustworthy” describes a number of prominent officials, the governor . . .

  • July 28, 2004 Kerry Support Soft in New Jersey
    Bush’s support in the Garden State remains level despite declines in . . .

  • May 26, 2004 New Jersey’s Top Shore Towns
    There are many great places to visit on the New Jersey shore, but the town with the best boardwalk is . . .

  • April 19, 2004 Worries Up, Preparedness Down: Security Seen Through Partisan Lens
    The recent increase in worry does not necessarily come with an increase in . . .

  • April 15, 2004 Voters Expect Property Taxes to Increase: Governor and Budget Get Mixed Reviews
    . . . one in three say it’s acceptable to raise taxes on some things so long as . . .

  • April 13, 2004 Iraq Hurts Bush: Nader Hurts Kerry
    . . . changes can be seen among Democrats, Independents and Republicans alike . . .

  • March 1, 2004 Governor’s Ratings Don’t Benefit from Sprawl Issue
    Only 22% of those who say controlling sprawl is very important also say that . . .

  • January 30, 2004 Super Social Fans Are a Mixed Bowl
    When you ask them who they want to win this year’s game, they . . .

  • January 29, 2004 Super Bowl Party Nominates Kerry
    Patriots reject Bush; Panthers embrace Republican . . .

  • January 23, 2004 2004 Report on Consumer Intentions
    . . . [A] year ago two-thirds of Garden Staters said business conditions had gotten worse, now . . .

  • January 22, 2004 What would you do with an extra thou?
    People with children have a different idea. A majority of them (52%) would . . .

  • January 21, 2004 Garden State not Mad about Cows
    Women are also more likely than men to . . .

  • January 16, 2004 Bush Rebounds Some in Garden State
    In head-to-head trial heats against potential Democratic nominees for the Presidency, George Bush comes out ahead against . . .

  • January 14, 2004 New Jerseyans Flunk Basic Preparedness
    At the same time that Jerseyans are worrying less about a terror attack, their confidence in federal and state . . .

  • January 13, 2004 Governor’s Poor Ratings are Steady-State
    . . . only 25% of voters think the Governor has done a good enough job to deserve reelection while 58% . . .


  • October 22, 2003 Democrats Hold the Line in 38th
    … in this densely packed suburban district, voters give Democrats a significant edge on . . .

  • October 17, 2003 Like the NJ Senate, the 36th district is an even match
    [T]he issues most important to voters in this district are those that Republicans tend to . . .

  • October 14, 2003 Governor No Help (to D’s) in 14th
    As in other districts polled by PublicMind, voters say they are less likely to choose a candidate who is a strong supporter of . . .

  • October 9, 2003 Governor No Help (to Republicans) in 12th District
    Governor Jim McGreevey has been unpopular statewide and likely voters in the 12th district feel . . .

  • October 8, 2003 Governor No Help in 4th District
    . . . asked a generic question of whether they will vote for Republican or Democratic candidates for assembly and senate, respondents offer a . . .

  • October 6, 2003 California Recall in New Jersey: No Way!
    . . . 70% of New Jersey voters say the Garden State’s own recall process should be . . .

  • October 5, 2003 Governor’s Unpopularity Could Hurt Democrats
    . . . [H]alf of New Jersey’s voters said they would be less likely to vote for a state legislative candidate who . . .

  • October 2, 2003 Bush Beatable?
    “Democratic candidates can’t take advantage of Bush’s decline in popularity until . . .

  • October 1, 2003 NJ Households Still Not Making Emergency Plans
    New Jerseyans are no better prepared for the event of another terrorist attack than they were . . .

  • September 23, 2003 Survey of University Presidents Finds Classics Still Essential
    Presidents were asked: “What are five books you believe every undergraduate university student should . . .

  • April 28, 2003 Newark Arena Makes No Progress with Public
    . . . wheeling and dealing the idea of building a new sports arena in the city of Newark has made . . .

  • April 24, 2003 Governor Losing Budget War
    When asked who is responsible for the budget deficit, 28% of the state’s voters blame . . .

  • April 23, 2003 War and Terrorism trump SARS — for now.
    Voters in a state that went decisively for the president’s rival in the 2000 election support . . .

  • April 16, 2003 New Jersey’s Seven Top Towns
    There are many great places to live in New Jersey, but the top spot in the Garden State is . . .

  • January 24, 2003 I’m from New Jersey; I’ll adjust.
    Index of Consumer Performance and Index of Consumer Intentions show that residents’ personal optimism is in contrast to . . .


  • November 18, 2002 PublicMind On Target in New Jersey Senate Race
    . . . most independent polls were generally accurate, but PublicMind’s November 1 survey came the closest, exactly pegging . . .

  • November 3, 2002 An Electorate Unmoved: Lautenberg Checks Republican Gain
    . . . At this point, the race will tighten up only if the undecided voters . . .

  • November 1, 2002 Late in the Race, It’s Still a Race
    . . . in the race for New Jersey’s Senate seat, Republican Doug Forrester trails his better-known rival Frank Lautenberg by . . .

  • October 18, 2002 Looking for a Few Good Issues
    This might be a wedge for the Forrester campaign . . .

  • October 17, 2002 Lautenberg Shows Strengths of Incumbency
    Compounding Forrester’s problems are that significant pluralities of New Jersey voters see Lautenberg as the . . .

  • October 4, 2002 McGreevey Looks Good
    As his party casts about to salvage its Senate race, it is Governor Jim McGreevey who is arguably the most . . .

  • October 1, 2002 Beyond Ethics?
    It was a “campaign devoid of all issues,” said Senator Torricelli as he withdrew . . . New Jersey voters are indeed concerned about . . .

  • September 27, 2002 Voters See Torricelli as Less Honest, but Experienced and Effective; Forrester Not Seen as Too Conservative
    Forrester says the … Senator is not honest … Torricelli says that Forrester … would turn the Senate over to conservative ideologues. According to the results of the most recent Fairleigh Dickinson University poll, voters agree . . .

  • September 25, 2002 The Race for Senate: the Unpopular versus the Unknown
    Can one of the nation’s most vulnerable senate incumbents be ousted by an unseasoned challenger, who . . .

  • May 31, 2002 Geography or Race? New Jersey Doesn’t Buy Newark Arena
    Governor Jim McGreevey’s enthusiasm to build a sports arena in Newark is not shared by . . . .

  • May 30, 2002 Budget Magic: NJ Voters have Strong Preferences, Great Skepticism, Little Information
    New Jerseyans are divided on how the government should solve the current fiscal problems. A plurality say . . . .

  • May 22, 2002 Which NJ Governor Wins the Unpopularity Ratings?
    New Jerseyans voted Governor Jim Florio out of office . . . They elected and re-elected Christine Todd Whitman . . . Now both are out of office and . . .

  • May 22, 2002 Trouble for Torricelli
    As the incumbent, Torricelli’s fate will rest largely on whether New Jerseyans believe he’s done a good enough job to be returned to office. On this measure, Torricelli has . . .


  • November 16, 2001 Political Wrap-Up for Poll’s Inaugural Year
    Aside from national polls on energy, views of the Garden State and the television show The Sopranos, Fairleigh Dickinson University’s PublicMind released four polls this election year that accurately predicted . . . .

  • November 5, 2001 McGreevey Maintains Lead Over Final Weekend; Final Margin Hinges on Turnout
    . . . the final outcome will be affected by the level of turnout. Over the weekend, both major-party candidates solidified their base while some independents may be having second thoughts. . . .

  • November 3, 2001 McGreevey Holds Gaping 18-point Lead: Republicans Divided but Turnout Questionable
    Democrat Jim McGreevey leads Republican Bret Schundler by a margin of 53% to 35% . . . [his] margin is not likely to dissipate . . .

  • October 14, 2001 McGreevey-Schundler Gap Driven by Non-Economic Issues And Independents
    . . . independents differ significantly from partisan voters in their assessment of the candidates. . . . Independents’ preferences on issues of taxes, the economy, and government spending are mixed, but . . .

  • October 11, 2001 Bush gets High Marks; Whitman, Torricelli, Corzine get Mixed Grades
    . . . The extremely positive marks that Bush receives are not matched by other prominent political figures in New Jersey. . . .

  • October 10, 2001 Heading into Gubernatorial Debate
    . . . Two weeks after the campaigns resumed, having been suspended after the terrorist attack, McGreevey’s support remains more . . .

  • August 15, 2001 New Jersey and the Sopranos: Perfect Together?
    . . . only a third of all national respondents even know that the show is set in New Jersey . . .

  • August 2, 2001 NEW JERSEYANS: Love the state, hate the taxes, and don’t care what other Americans think
    Despite the oft-cited New Jersey inferiority complex, half the state’s residents say it is a “better” place to live than other states and two-thirds . . . don’t care . . .

  • July 25, 2001 Garden State “Greener” than the Nation
    … on Energy Issues

    . . . First, a majority of Americans are unfamiliar with President Bush’s energy plan. Second, New Jerseyans think more “greenly” about energy issues than . . .

  • July 19, 2001 Energy in the United States
    . . . a significant segment of New Jerseyans and their fellow citizens across the nation view the price and availability of energy as a significant problem – but . . .

  • May 14, 2001 Survey Methodology Discussion
     May 8, 2001 Likely Republican Primary Voters
    . . . PublicMind pre-primary survey shows that former House member Bob Franks enjoys a considerable …

  • May 3, 2001 The Race for Governor
    . . . New Jerseyans could well be in for a close gubernatorial contest this November – but only if …
