Relevant Academic Policies: Vancouver

(in alphabetical order by policy name)

Academic Integrity

Attendance (from the Academic Regulations section of the Student Handbook)

Chosen Name Policy

Disability Support Services

Students with documented medical, psychological, or learning disabilities, who feel they may need in-class academic adjustments, reasonable modifications, and/or auxiliary aids and services while taking this course, should first contact the Disability Support Services (DSS) to discuss their specific needs. At the Florham Campus, including the School of Pharmacy & Health Sciences and study abroad programs, contact the Director of Disability Support Services at 973–443–8079. At the Metropolitan Campus, online and off-campus programs, contact the Director of Disability Support Services at 201–692–2078. For Vancouver Campus, contact the Deputy Campus Executive at 604–648–4463. Once the academic adjustments, modifications, or auxiliary aids and services are approved by DSS, make an appointment to see the faculty member. Additional information about the Office of Disability Support Services can be found here: 

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (DEIA) Commitment

Grade Appeal Procedure

Major Religious Holy Days

Non-Title IX Prohibited Discrimination, Harassment and Related Misconduct Policy and Procedures

Student Privacy and the Family Educational Rights Privacy Act (FERPA)