
The Office of Publications assists the University community in all aspects of getting publications produced — from advising, helping develop a piece, providing a simple template or cover design, to detailed preparation for production.

The office handles publications directed to both inside and outside communities, which include FDU Magazine, the University Bulletins, student handbooks, brochures, newsletters, invitations, web items, online calendars and more.

The office will liaise with those in need of publications. Services include graphic design as well as the preparation of content, including the application of University style to the text submitted.

A “Request for Publication” form (which includes budget and desired graphic needs) should be submitted online. Text can be emailed to Please allow up to 30 working days, depending on the size of the project prior to the desired delivery date of the finished product. Every effort will be made to accommodate urgent needs.

Major publications include:

  • What’s Happening online calendar of events
  • FDU Magazine online
  • FDU What’s New Newsletter

What’s Happening calendar

To submit copy for the What’s Happening calendar contact

  • Helen Grill for the Florham Campus, or 201-692-7028, and
  • Sara Campione for the Metropolitan Campus, or 201-692-7337.

FDU What’s New newsletter faculty/staff newsletter

The FDU What’s New newsletter is a faculty-staff newsletter that is issued monthly during the academic year. It focuses on University information, and faculty and staff news. Copy received after a deadline may be considered for a subsequent issue. Every effort will be made to deal with late-breaking stories.

To submit information for the Faculty/Staff Update or College and School Happenings sections, contact Mary Ann Bautista,

FDU Magazine alumni publication

FDU Magazine is the official University publication for alumni and friends. It is distributed twice yearly in print and available online. FDU Magazine features stories on timely topics that showcase significant University programs and developments, as well as FDU faculty, staff, students and alumni.

Alumni News and Notes should be submitted to Rebecca Maxon at

University Logos

Downloadable University logos for internal communication and Web applications can be found in the University’s Graphic Standards Guide. High-resolution or vector-based logos for publications and other applications can be obtained via email or on CD through Hector Torres, by calling 201-692-7104 or emailing Please specify whether the CD and logo should be formatted for PC or Macintosh as well as any other specific needs.