Medical Benefits

Fairleigh Dickinson University offers three medical plans to all eligible employees. These plans give participants the flexibility to go in or out of network without selecting a primary care physician or obtaining referrals.

All full-time, active, regular employees are eligible to participate on the 1st of the month following 30 days of continuous full time service. If a new employee does not enroll within this time period, they can enroll during the University’s open enrollment period or in the event of a life event (see the plan document for definition of life event).

Open enrollment occurs once a year during the month of November for an effective date of January 1. All full-time, active, regular employees may, at that time, join our health insurance program, or add dependents.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Department of Labor (DOL) has announced flexibility around some of the deadlines  for employees to make benefit enrollment changes in connection with certain life status changes during the pandemic period. These events are: getting married, having a baby, adopting a child or losing other coverage (including Medicaid) or being determined to be eligible for state premium assistance for employer coverage.  If  you experience any of these events, you will have the ability to enroll in other plan options. 

2025 Offerings

Expense TypesPOSMid Range POSCDHP
In-network plan design
PCP visit$35$45Deductible + coinsurance
Specialist visit – Premium providers$45$55Deductible + coinsurance
Specialist visit – All other providers$65$75Deductible + coinsurance
Emergency Room$100$100Deductible + coinsurance
Outpatient Surg/Scopic and Maj Diag (xray/labs)
Freestanding Facility100%80%Deductible + coinsurance
Hospital Outpatient100%80%Deductible + coinsurance
OOP maximum$3,500/$7,000$5,000/$10,000

Out-of-network plan design
OOP maximum$6,000/$12,000$6,000/$12,000$6,000/$12,000
Prescription plan design
Retail Rx/Mail RxAfter deductible
Annual Contributions
Employee Only$3,563$3,314$1,134
Employee + Child$7,623$7,109$1,953
Employee + Spouse$8,114$7,558$2,358

*Employees earning between $34,601 – $42,542 who select the single coverage option, are subject to a sliding scale for health care contributions. Please contact our benefits office at (201)-692-2701 for more information.

** co-pay amounts for union employees regardless of plan option.

The Transparency in Coverage Final Rules require certain group health plans to disclose on a public website information regarding in-network provider rates and historical out-of-network allowed amounts and billed charges for covered items and services in two separate machine-readable files (MRFs).  The MRFs for the benefit package options under the Fairleigh Dickinson University Employee Benefits Plan can be found at UHC Transparency in Coverage. Search the page for the word fairleigh and find two links.