FDU In Motion
Video recordings play at least two powerful roles: They introduce FDU programs, places, and people to visitors, and they archive compelling public events so those events are available to a wider audience.
FDU In Motion Archives
- ECOSOC Status
- FDU Recollections
- Greg Olsen’s Journey into Space
- I Dreamed a College: Founders Peter and Sally Sammartino’s 1980 documentary on the history of Fairleigh Dickinson University
- Introducing Ban Ki-moon
- ISHTM Video
- The Pinnacle and other alumni videos: Outstanding alumni are honored and featured here.
- Presidential Presentations: Select speeches/messages from the late J. Michael Adams, President of FDU from 1999-2012
- Remembering Michael Adams
- The Twomblys of Florham: Two experts on the history of Florham discuss the Vanderbilt-Twombly family’s life on the estate
- UN Secretary-General Receives IAUP Award
- UN Academic Impact
- Wroxton College: A Half-Century of Transforming Lives: The 50th anniversary of FDU’s campus in England shows what has made “The Wroxton Experience” so valuable to the thousands of students who have shared it over the decades.
- The Student Union Building at the Metropolitan Campus is “the living room of the campus” for residential students and commuters alike.
- The FDU Poll: An in-depth look at the acclaimed polling and research center
Video Virtual Tours
In short video clips, six different Wroxton students tell what made Wroxton special for them.
This 14-minute video presents Wroxton and its history and surroundings with a focus on how the British tutorial system affects how students study there.
A very brief introduction to FDU’s newest campus and the beautiful city that hosts it: Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.
The Florham Campus co-stars in the popular YouTube video “2-Year-Old Tour Guide.”
Not a video tour, but an audio commentary on nine features of Hennessy Hall, the mansion centerpiece of the Florham estate and campus. Enjoy the introduction as you walk through the mansion.
Petrocelli College Testimonials
Bill McPartland (MSA)
Ralph Lieber (MSA)
Jacci Willis (MSA)
Preeth Sangavaram (MSA)
Terry Hoban (MAS)
James Scott (MAS)
Joe Roman (MAS)