Biology BS, Pharmacy PharmD combined degree

Students accepted into this program will spend their first three years at FDU. The following four years will be spent at the School of Pharmacy, Fairleigh Dickinson University, Madison, NJ. A minimum of 124 credits is required for the BS degree; 96 of these are taken at the Metropolitan Campus in yrs. 1-3 + 28 credits (to be approved by department chair/director) in year 4 at FDU’s School of Pharmacy.  Students not accepted into FDU’s School of Pharmacy have the option of switching out of the BS in Biology, PharmD combined degree and into another concentration.

Degree Plan

NOTE: All students are required to complete the General Education Requirements of their campus in fulfillment of their Bachelor degree requirements. [Florham Campus students are required to take SPCH 1107 Fundamentals of Speech and  PHIL1440 Bio-Medical Ethics as part of their general education requirements]

Semesters 1 and 2

Semester 3 and 4

Semesters 5 and 6

Semesters 7

  • PHRM6100     Found in Pharmaceutical Science
  • PHRM6101     Found in Integrated Pharmacotherapy I
  • PHRM6201     Pharmaceutics I: Concepts & Calculations
  • PHRM6203     Therapeutics I
  • PHRM6301     Medical Communication & Technical Writing
  • PHRM6321     Pharmacy Law & Ethics
  • PHRM6401     Professional Pharmacy Practice I: Health Care Delivery

Semesters 8

  • PHRM6102   Integrated Pharmacotherapy II: Gastrointestinal
  • PHRM6103   Integrated Pharmacotherapy III: Dermatology, Over-the-Counter Remedies and Self Care
  • PHRM6104   Integrated Pharmacotherapy IV: Cardiology
  • PHRM6111   Integrated Pharmacotherapy II-IV: Conceptual Connections and Patient Care
  • PHRM6202   Pharmaceutics II: Oral Dosage Forms and Biopharmaceutics/ Pharmacokinetics
  • PHRM6402   Professional Pharmacy Practice II: Communication in Health Care
  • PHRM6701   Beyond the Curriculum

Cognate Requirements

Semesters 1 and 2

Semesters 3 and 4

Semesters 5 and 6

Major Requirements:

Years 5-7 – School of Pharmacy

  • PHRM6501     Intro Pharmacy Practice Experience
  • PHRM7105     Integrated Pharmacotherapy V: Neurology, Psych. Anesth.
  • PHRM7106     Integrated Pharmacotherapy VI:  Infectious Disease
  • PHRM7107     Integrated Pharmacotherapy VII:  Pulmonary, EENT
  • PHRM7108     Integrated Pharmacotherapy VIII:  Endocrine, Renal, Repro.
  • PHRM7111     Integrated Pharmacotherapy V-VI:  Conceptual Connection
  • PHRM7112     Integrated Pharmacotherapy VII-VIII:  Conceptual Connection
  • PHRM7201     Pharmaceutical Dispensing & Compounding
  • PHRM7202     Pharmaceutics III:  Sterile Products & Biopharmaceuticals
  • PHRM7301     Biostatistics
  • PHRM7302     Epidemiology & Public Health
  • PHRM7401     Professional Pharmacy Practice III:  Informatics/Drug Info.
  • PHRM7501     Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience II
  • PHRM7701     Beyond the Curriculum II
  • PHRM8109     Integrated Pharmacotherapy IX:  Autoimmune & Rare
  • PHRM8110     Integrated Pharmacotherapy X:  Hematology/Oncology
  • PHRM8111     Integrated Pharmacotherapy I-X:  Whole System Overview
  • PHRM8112     Case Studies in Pharmacy
  • PHRM8202     Pharmacogenomics & Personalized Medicine
  • PHRM8301     Pharmacoepidemiology, Pharmacoeconomics, Outcomes
  • PHRM8302     Public Health & the Global Mission of Pharmacy
  • PHRM8402     Professional Pharmacy Practice IV:  Leadership/Management
  • PHRM8501     Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience III
  • PHRM9101     Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience I:  Community
  • PHRM9102     Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience II: Institutional
  • PHRM9103     Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience III:  Am Care
  • PHRM9104     Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience IV:  Acute Care
  • PHRM92XX    Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience V:  Elective
  • PHRM93XX    Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience VI:  Elective
  • PHRM94XX    Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience VII:  Elective
  • PHRM95XX    Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience VIII:  Elective
  • PHRM9900    Pharmacy Capstone
  • Elective Courses

A minimum of 124 credits is required for the BS degree; 96 of these are taken at the Metropolitan Campus in yrs. 1-3 + 28 credits (to be approved by department chair/director) in year 4 at FDU’s School of Pharmacy.