Science BS

students working in a lab

Students seeking a baccalaureate degree, with a thorough grounding in the sciences, and desiring choice should consider the Bachelor of Science degree in science. The program is multidisciplinary, offering student maximum flexibility. The study of mathematics, for example, may be adjusted to meet students’ academic objectives. The curriculum can meet the entrance requirements for medical or dental school. Each student must officially declare a major before entering the sixth semester. The courses in a major vary from a total of 30 credits above the introductory level to not more than 42. Dual majors are permitted providing requirements are met. Candidates for all baccalaureate degrees must complete at least 128-131 credits of course work. Certain programs require more than 128 credits for the degree. See each major for specific requirements

Admission requirements

For matriculation in the science curriculum, successful completion of secondary school courses in elementary algebra and plane geometry and a year of science and required. Candidates for the Bachelor of Science degree must complete the following courses.

Program Outcomes

Students majoring in Science develop the following skills and abilities:

  • Ability to use the scientific method and understand its strengths and weaknesses.
  • Ability to research a science topic using traditional and computer technology.
  • Ability to read and evaluate professional scientific literature.
  • Ability to write and communicate science.
  • Ability to utilize mathematical reasoning and quantitative skills in science.
  • Possess observational and technical skills.
  • Possess major field knowledge.
  • Ability to successfully compete in science related fields.

Degree Plan

NOTE: All students are required to complete the General Education Requirements of their campus in fulfillment of their Bachelor degree requirements.

Science Core Requirements (24 credits)

Major requirements

Math/Computer Science Requirements (15 credits)

Science Concentration (16 credits)

  • 16 credits of upper division courses in a single science.  Sciences other than Physics, Chemistry or Biological Sciences require the Chairman’s approval

Science Elective (12 credits)

  • An additional 12 credits of upper division courses in any Science outside the concentration.

Free Electives(24 credits)

  • A minimum of 24 credits of courses in any area

A minimum of 120 credits is required for graduation.

QUEST Options available

BS in Science/MAT, Secondary Ed and Special Ed Concentration
BS in Science/MAT, Elementary Ed Concentration
BS in Science/MAT, Secondary Ed Concentration
BS in Science/MAT, Elementary Ed and Special Ed Concentration
BS in Science/MAT, P-3 Certification
BS in Science/MAT, Secondary Ed and ESL