Diplomacy and International Relations Graduate Certificate

Students look intent while learning

Students may earn an official certificate in Diplomacy and International Relations after completing any six courses listed for the Master of Arts in Global Affairs. The certificate is listed on student transcripts and students receive a copy of the certificate for display. 

Students may apply for the certificate program only, and later apply the credits toward a Master of Arts in Global Affairs. 

Choose six courses from the following:

To determine the availability of a course in a particular semester, please check with the academic adviser. 

  • POLS6711 Genocide 
  • POLS6801 Methods of Political Analysis 
  • POLS6816 World Heritage Law and Policy (Course Equivalent: PADM6816)
  • POLS6840 Thesis or Project 
  • POLS6873 Seminar on Globalization (Course Equivalent: MADS 6733)
  • POLS6874 Trafficking in Humans 
  • POLS6875 Seminar in International Trade 
  • POLS6876 Comparative Innovation Systems 
  • POLS6877 Global Women’s Voices/ Women’s Leadership in Today’s Global World (Course Equivalent: PADM 6686/MADS 6627 Women’s Leadership in Today’s Global World)
  • POLS7815 Nationalism and Its Discontents 
  • POLS7821 Modern Political Theory 
  • POLS7822  The Character of Revolutionary Movements
  • POLS7825 Foreign Policy and Diplomacy /(Course Equivalent: MADS 6828 U.S.A. New Foreign Policy:  Risks and Fears)
  • POLS7827  Climate Policy (or PADM 7826)
  • POLS7830 International Organizations 
  • POLS7831 International Law 
  • POLS7832 International Problems and Conflict Resolution (Course Equivalent: MADS 6732 International Conflict Resolution)
  • POLS7833 Modern Warfare and Global Stability 
  • POLS7834 Politics of the Global Economy 
  • POLS7836 Crisis Leadership  (Course Equivalent: MADS 6640 Leading in Times of Crisis)
  • POLS7838 Political Leadership and the U.N. 
  • POLS7851 Forces and Issues: Middle East 
  • POLS7856 Cities in Crisis 
  • POLS7867 Political and Economic Challenges for Africa 
  • POLS7868 Terrorism and Insurgency 
  • POLS7869 Economics of National Security 
  • POLS7870 International Implications of Middle East Problems 
  • POLS7873 Political and Economic Challenges: Asia 
  • POLS7874 Latin America: New Challenges 
  • POLS7902 Rethinking Europe’s Future
  • MADS6608 Organizational Communication & Conflict Resolution/Diplomatic Communication for Administrators (Course Equivalent: PADM 7780 Diplomatic Communication for Administrators)
  • MADS6615 Global Leadership
  • MADS6617 Emergency Management and Safety Administration
  • MADS6628 Building Strategic Partnerships
  • MADS6633 GIS and Emergency Administration
  • MADS6636 Global Preparedness for Catastrophic Emergencies (Course Equivalent: CHSA 6605 Preparing for Catastrophic Emergencies)
  • MADS6659 Latin America & Globalization
  • MADS6672 Ethics & Human Rights
  • MADS6674 Sociological Perspectives of Disaster
  • MADS6693 Leading Culturally Diverse Workplaces
  • MADS6694 New Challenges of Leadership in a Global Society
  • MADS6709 ST: Creativity, Change, & the 21st Century Leader
  • MADS6713 Special Topics: Environmental Response & Reporting Seminar
  • MADS6825 Intro to Diplomacy & Int’l Relations
  • PADM7724 Comparative Government and Administrative Systems (Course Equivalent: MADS 6614 Comparative Public, Private and Not-for-Profit Systems)
  • PADM7770 Global Administrative Skills
  • PADM7789 Global Energy System
  • PADM7791 Global Health Issues
  • CHSA6601 Terrorism Issues and Implications
  • CHSA6604 Assessing Internal and External Threats
  • CHSA6606 Historical Perspectives of Terrorism
  • CHSA6607 Border Security: Policies, Actions, and Implications
  • CHSA6608 Terrorism and Disaster Management
  • CHSA6609 The Face of Terror
  • CHSA6610 Bio-terrorism Preparedness and Response
  • CHSA6618 Emergency Management Policies, Analysis, and Implications
  • CHSA7603 Weapons of Mass Destruction/Terrorism Awareness