Design and Technical Theater Minor

The 15-credit design and technical theater minor offers students interested in studying the design and technical aspects of theater a comprehensive exposure to relevant study with a focus on hands-on application. Minors are also encouraged to work on departmental productions in either of FDU’s two theaters, where students have a chance to work alongside professional guest artists. The department offers a number of design, stage management, and crew positions which reinforce all that students learn in the classroom. The minor is offered by the School of the Arts, Maxwell Becton College of Arts and Sciences, at the Florham Campus, Madison, New Jersey.

Required Courses (9 credits)

  • THEA2209 Stagecraft (3)
  • THEA2310 Stage Management (3)
  • THEA 3361 Stage Production and Crew I (1)
  • THEA 3362 Stage Production and Crew 2 (1)
  • THEA 3363 Stage Production and Crew 3 (1)
    Select 6 credits from the following:
  • THEA1010 Vectorworks for Entertainment (3)
  • THEA2215 Set Design I (3)
  • THEA 3313 Scene Painting (3)
  • THEA3112 Lighting for the Stage (3)
  • THEA3357 Audio Design Concepts (3)
  • THEA 2500 Costume Design (3)
  • THEA 3110 Stagecraft II (3)
  • THEA 3378 FDU at the RSC: Shakespeare in Practice, Design & Management
  • THEA 3110 Stagecraft 2 (3)
  • THEA 3364 Stage Production and Crew 4 (1)
  • THEA 3365 Stage Production and Crew 5 (1)
  • THEA 3366 Stage Production and Crew 6 (1)
  • THEA 3114 Design Studio (3)

*FDU at the RSC courses are provided through a partnership with the Royal Shakespeare Company and Stepping Stone Performing Arts on FDU’s Wroxton campus in England. See for further details. Other elective courses and substitutions are available by permission.

For Information

Stacie Lents, Director of Theater Arts Program Professor of Theater
School of the Arts, Maxwell Becton College of Arts and Sciences