Silberman College of Business partners with students to promote academic success and the achievement of educational goals.  An assigned advising counselor provides all undergraduate business majors year-round assistance with course review and selection, registration, and exit planning.

Contacts for Prospective Students

For Florham students, contact Mary Sakin, Executive Director of Placement and Outreach

For Metro students, contact Paige Soltano, Director of Placement and Outreach

Contacts for Current Students

Campus-based Graduate Programs

Lauren Sachs
Advising Counselor for Graduate Programs
BA, Seton Hall; MA, Montclair State University

Florham Campus Undergraduate Advisors

Hennessy Hall (the mansion), first floor, room 6
(973) 443-8753

Michelle Klemme
Advising Counselor for Undergraduate Programs
BS, BA, and MEd, Boston University
Book an appointment

Metropolitan Campus Undergraduate Advisors

Metro Campus Academic Advisement Center
Robison Hall, Room 30
(201) 692-2339

Some Helpful Information/Tips

PDF Documents for Download

All Silberman students are expected to abide by the University’s Academic Integrity Policy (PDF).

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Yes. If a student repeats a course, both the first, second (third, etc.) grades will remain on the transcript, but only the last earned grade will be computed into the cumulative grade point ratio. Any repeated course that was originally taken at FDU must also be repeated at FDU. The repeated course must have the same catalog number. EX: Math 1128 must be retaken as Math 1128.

  • A student taking 12 credits or more is officially considered full-time. First year students usually enroll for 13-16 credits, depending on their level of preparation, outside commitments, etc. Developmental course MATH 0298 carries weight toward enrollment status as full-time or part-time, but does not carry earned credits toward graduation.

  • Any course may be added to, or dropped from, a student’s schedule during the add/drop period. This period is typically during the first two weeks of a Fall or Spring term or as noted on the University Calendar. Students can withdraw from courses with a “W” appearing on the transcript through the ninth week of the semester, and a financial penalty will also apply.

  • A student will be placed on academic probation (officially noted on the transcript) when the grade point ratio falls below 2.0 for the semester or overall GPA. Probation status continues until both the semester grade point ratio and the cumulative grade point ratio are above 2.0.

  • A student’s academic progress is confidential. To speak specifically about a student’s academic portfolio, a FERPA form, signed by the student, must be on file with the Dean of Students office. To protect the student, discussions of a confidential nature must take place in person and will not take place by telephone or email.

  • On the FDU website, enter “GPA Calculator” in the search field to access the easy to use, self-explanatory calculator.

  • Dropping below 12 credits can affect financial aid, on-campus residence, on campus employment, as well as scholarships. International students should pay close attention to status related to their visas. If a student is considering dropping to part-time status and has financial aid, he/she should discuss his/her status with a financial aid counselor.

Proper Preparation for Study Abroad/Wroxton College

Inform advisors of intention to study abroad or in Wroxton so that the appropriate classes may be designated.

Students typically study in Wroxton the second semester of their sophomore year. Expected graduation may be delayed pending students’ major course requirements and/or course availability.

Wroxton offers courses in literature, history, political science, fine arts, sociology, psychology, communications, and University core.

Students may take between 15 and 18 credits while studying at Wroxton.

For more information, stop by the Wroxton College/Study Abroad Office in the basement of the Mansion and speak with Brian Swanzey.